  Public Ticket #2771853
Change "Contact and Booking" text on Artist Page to "Contact"


  • Fitz Patton started the conversation

    Hi there! Sonaar is completely brilliant. Just totally mind blowing. You are GREAT designers. 

    Im using the site to promote a project that involves scientists and artists. The "Contact and Booking" section should just say "Contact"

    Im developing the site on MAMP, so I can't post a URL. Can you tell me how to change "Contact and Booking" to "Contact". 

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    thanks so much for your comments! very appreciated.

    to change the Contact & Booking title, please go to your WordPress dashboard > Theme Options > Translation. See screenshot https://d.pr/i/vSQarI


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew