  Public Ticket #2786901
Shrink embedded player vertical height padding


  • bobby started the conversation

    When we embed the sonaar waveform, there seems to be a lot of padding around it.

    We want to shrink it so it doesn't take too much space. 

    Making it tiny seems to shrink it, but we'd like a bigger waveform and no padding around it like the left. 

    Also, it's weird that when we adjust the Soundwave Bar Gap (px), it changes the color. 

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Bobby,

    Please use this custom css code to remove the margin arround.

    div.iron-audioplayer .sonaar_fake_wave, div.iron-audioplayer .player.sr_player__inline .sr_progressbar .wave{
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;

    About the wave changing color issue, this is very weird. May I have a login credential to the wp-admin so I can see it by myself? 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • bobby replied

    This worked great, thank you.

    Follow-up question, when I shrink the padding, it looks like it's based on the button size. 

    IS there any way to make the play button smaller? So there's even less padding caused by the player?

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hello bobby, 

    Many customize options are available through the elementor editor. 
    Maybe you should consider try it. The pro version is not required.
    In the elementor editor you will be able to reduce the play button. 
    Otherwise, you have to use a custom css code. I can provide this code, but be aware we are going beyond the scope of our support here. 

    div.iron-audioplayer .control .play{
     height: 18px;
    div.iron-audioplayer .control .play svg{
    height: 100%;


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew