  Public Ticket #2793285
possible sonaar misfunction/incompatibilty


  • justus herrmann started the conversation

    dear team 

    i had great times and great works done with sonaar etc. – so far. thank you for that. NOW it SEEMS to be a problem with sonaar mp3player. EXTENSIVLY checking out turning plugins on and off etc. – seems to make the sonar plugin driving an wordpress/maybe elemenot problem: the error is:

    <b>Deprecated</b>:  ElementorScheme_Typography ist seit Version 2.8.0 <strong>veraltet</strong>! Benutze stattdessen ElementorCoreSchemesTypography. in <b>/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>5051</b><br>
    <b>Deprecated</b>:  ElementorScheme_Color ist seit Version 2.8.0 <strong>veraltet</strong>! Benutze stattdessen ElementorCoreSchemesColor. in <b>/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>5051</b>

    and it does only dissapera – wehen switching sonaar OFF. 

    do you have any idea - can you HELP? 

    thanks a lot



  •  672
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Justus,

    We are aware about this. This will be fix in the next update. We will release it soon. 
    For now, if your site is public, you should disable the debug mode. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew