  Public Ticket #2801377
Playlist stalling frequently in each song


  • sosa started the conversation

    Your plugin is beautiful!  I was testing it out before considering upgrading to Pro, but the tracks are not playing smoothly on either the computer or mobile. They're relatively small files, and there's only 6 in the playlist, but they're starting then stopping for a few seconds, then resuming briefly then stopping again.  Appreciate any insight you can share.


  •  1,104
    Max replied

    Hi Sosa,

    I cant seem to replicate your issue.

    Perhaps your internet speed was not speedy enough to catch up with the streaming file?

    Perhaps also to encode mp3 files to 256Kbps so they can be a bit more optimized.

    Hope it helps,


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • sosa replied

    Thanks for checking, I'll try it on others' computers and see if it's happening elsewhere.  One more question, I looked in the Settings, but I don't see how to stop it from looping back to the beginning once all the tracks have played?

    Appreciate your help :)

  •  1,104
    Max replied


    we do have a setting to stop the current track when its completed and prevent it to skip to next track, but we don't have an option to stop the playlist once the playlist has completed. It will automatically play the first track when the last track has finished.

    This is a feature we might add in a next plugin update if we receive more user request about it.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew