  Public Ticket #2812278
Audio playlist used in product and info page


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    Bernhard van Hsm started the conversation


    I am currently creating a WooCommerce shop for selling CDs and downloads.

    I want to create artist pages with infos on the artist/music and separate product pages. For both I want to display audio playlists to showcase the music.

    So for every artist there will be an info page and a corresponding product page.

    Is it possible to create the playlist only once and then integrate it in both the product and the artist page? That way I would not have to create it twice and could apply changes to it very easily.

    Thank you for your help in advance


  •  1
    Bernhard van Hsm replied

    I should add that I am using Elementor Pro as well as the full Crocoblock package. I use JetEngine to create custom fields that are being used in Products as well as in the Artist info pages.

    So if it is possible to call a playlist from within a JetEngin custom field that would be perfect.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Sure. you can add your tracklist by creating a new MP3 Player Playlist post in WP-Admin > MP3 Player

    Once that post is created and your tracks filled within our custom fields, you can add this playlist anywhere on your site using our elementor widget and select the previously created playlist post. see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/tEWMet

    But you will have to manually add the player to both of your pages.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Bernhard van Hsm replied

    Hi Max,

    thank you for your message.

    Suppose I have 10 products and 10 corresponding artist pages, thus I would create 10 playlists.

    How do I make the connection between playlist and product or artist page respectively so that when a product is displayed on the front-end the corresponding playlist ist displayed?

    In the product settings of WooCommerce I only fill in the product details and Elementor / JetWooBuilder only creates product templates.

    In the same way I would create a custom post type for the artist page, create a template for it and display the contents dynamically. So the connection to the audio playlist would have to be written in somewhere in the custom fields.

    Thank you for your help


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You can upload all your tracks within your product. In a product post of WooCommerce, you fill in the audio player tracks. see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/8Hdic4

    then embed a player in your artist page by selecting your product post. https://d.pr/i/tEWMet

    For the JetWooBuilder, Im not very familiar with it, sorry


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Bernhard van Hsm replied

    Hello Max,

    thank you for your message. This sounds like the way to go, will try once I finished the basic work on the shop.

    Another thing: I am using WPML to translate shop pages and products from German to English.

    I found that when WPML translates a product that has an audio playlist the audio playlist is not carried over to the new language.

    Are you familiar with that problem?



  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    You have two ways to translate a post (see here). 
    You can click to translate or duplicate.
    When you click on translate, you will have the recreate the playlist, but you also need to refill the price field and all other fields. You have to recreate the whole product. 

    But if you click on duplicate, the playlist should follow.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Bernhard van Hsm replied

    Hello Alexandre,

    excellent, thank you for your advice. Will do so from now on.

    All the best


  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew