  Public Ticket #2857245
player bar padding


  • Barbara started the conversation

    Here is the shortcode I'm using.  Note, I've also tried surrounding this code with a <div> tag to handle the issue but no luck yet.

    [sonaar_audioplayer artwork_id="" display_control_artwork="false" hide_track_title="true" wave_color="#a28a85" wave_progress_color="#cd5c5c" music_player_featured_color="#cd5c5c" progressbar_inline="true" feed="http://theonehiraethproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/08-23-21_PersonalTarotReading.m4a" hide_artwork="true" show_playlist="false" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false" hide_timeline="false"][/sonaar_audioplayer]

    I'm using a simple player bar with the play/pause/stop button on the far left side followed by the waveform next to it.  That's it.  The issue is the top and bottom spacing.  It's too much. I want to reduce that padding/margin but no combination of height codes using styles or not styles works.  

    Is there a way to reduce the spacing in the container that holds the audio player bar?  

    Thank you,

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Barbara,

    can you send me a screenshot of the player (or website URL) you see so I can check what spacing you are referring to?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Barbara replied

    The post is in draft mode so not able to share link yet. I took a screenshot of the body of this post where the player is set up to appear directly below an image. There is copy above and below this <div> section.

    I would like the player to appear closer to the bottom of the image.  Less space between. 

    I had included a background color, as well, but removed it as it further defined all the extra space above and below the visible button and waveform.  If I could reduce this space above and below I would include the background color again, but my main goal is to move it closer to the image.

    Note: There is NO space whatsoever between the image and the audio player.  When I had the background color inserted the player container was flush up against the bottom of the image. That is why I know it is the padding or some other feature of the player container and not the rest of my code.

    Thanks much in advance.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I would have to inspect the code with a live player on your page in order to give you custom css to adjust the space. Can you publish the page and send me its URL please


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Barbara replied

    I should publish it later today and will send you the url then.  If I publish it now while still in draft, an email notification sends out the post to my entire subscribers list and auto posts to Twitter and FB. Not a good look. lol

    Until then...