  Public Ticket #2871407
Need drag and drop support to re-order tracks in playlists


  • Robert Parsons started the conversation

    I have a playlist with about 120 tracks. I can not use the present interface to move a track up or down using UP/DOWN arrows, because I might have to click 100 times or more to do this. 

    What I need is a thin display with just the names of the tracks that I can use to drag and drop any track anywhere I want. I am sure that all users would appreciate having this ability.

  •  1,103
    Max replied

    Hi Robert,

    thanks for reaching out. I understand that this can be painful. 

    Here is a script that has been developed by a third party that would allows drag and drop, but we have not tested it so im not aware if it works or not. see here https://github.com/rogerlos/cmb-daggable-repeater


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Robert Parsons replied

    Thank you Max, but this is a little above my pay grade.

    Would you consider building the ability to drag/drop tracks as a tool?

    Or, maybe allowing track information to be collapsed like an accordion, so drag and drop could be used to reorder tracks?

  •  1,103
    Max replied


    If other user requests it, we will add it to our roadmap and release it in a future plugin updates. For now, you are the only user who requested this feature.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Robert Parsons replied

    OK.  I hope you will hear from other users as it would be a great way to re-order tracks.

    Thank you!

  • Manuel Echevarria replied

    I think it will be very helpful to have such a feature. I need to reorder more than 50 items in multiples playlists and it will be good to have an easy way to do it.