I've made an error by making customizations directly into the Sonaar theme and I wasn't using the child theme. How can I make a copy of the theme and use it as the child?
I've made customizations in the Appearance>Customizer>CSS. I suppose I could just copy that. But I don't remember all of the places within Elementor>Custom CSS I may have used. I also added CSS to the Sonaar>Custom CSS. Will those get ported to a child theme?
No worries about all those custom css you did in the wordpress dashboard. Those code are not saved in the theme files. They are saved in the database. You can activate the child without any worries. Custom codes will follow.
I've made an error by making customizations directly into the Sonaar theme and I wasn't using the child theme. How can I make a copy of the theme and use it as the child?
Hi deborah,
May I ask which file have you customized?
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew
I've made customizations in the Appearance>Customizer>CSS. I suppose I could just copy that. But I don't remember all of the places within Elementor>Custom CSS I may have used. I also added CSS to the Sonaar>Custom CSS. Will those get ported to a child theme?
No worries about all those custom css you did in the wordpress dashboard. Those code are not saved in the theme files. They are saved in the database. You can activate the child without any worries. Custom codes will follow.
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew