  Public Ticket #2891856
Waveform button playlist like MP3 player


  • Joeffrey started the conversation


    I want to see the WAVEFORM when i'm clicking on a Button to launch a Playlist, like the MP3 player

    Actually When i Click the MP3 music player, the Icon get down and then the Wave form appear.

    With the Button player it dosen't work, The music starts but I can't see a Wave form

    Here the Link test


    Thx you

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Joeffrey, 
    The "Launch a Playlist" button feature purpose is to start a playlist in the sticky player. It should not interfer with an mp3 player widget in the page content. If you want a button who trig a specific player, this required some custom js code. Something like this:

    $('{buttonID}').on('click', function(){
    $('{Player ID} .play').trigger('click');

    *You need to change {buttonID} and {Player ID} in the code for the right ID.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Joeffrey replied

    thx you, but i need to change buttonid and player id by what ?

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    You have to replace '{buttonID}' by a jquery selector to reach the button element.  
    And replace '{Player ID}' by a jquery selector to reach the player element. If the current page has only one mp3 player, you can use the ".iron-audioplayer" class rather than a unique ID. 

    Some web coding knowledge is required here, and we are going beyond the scope of our support. If you want you can hire our team for this task. Please look our custom work service info


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew