  Public Ticket #2915394
edit layout single blog post page


  • Rene started the conversation


    I'd like to modify the lay-out for "single blog posts".. 

    • like remove the sidebar
    • place the post title below the featured image... (although the post title isn't displaying at all... how to fix this?)
    • give the overall page-background a color gradient from the top...
    • eventually I'd like to add some widgets in columns below the main article.

    How should I do this?

    (haven't attached a related URL for this instance, as the whole website will be moved from development domain to the actual public domain this weekend... so I did attach a screenshot instead)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rene, 

    • To remove the sidebar, go to wp-admin>theme options>posts settings.
    • To move the post title, you have to modify or create a new single post template. 
      We cant assist you on that path because this is beyond the scope of or support. 
      You can create a new single post template with elementor Pro or you can modify the single-post.php file in the child folder. 
      Another is the hide the title, and add a new one with elementor for each post.
    • Sonaar doesnt have the opiton to apply a gradient as the page background but you can do it with a custom CSS code. Please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js
      And add this code in the custom css field:

      .single-post .perspective{
      background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(2,0,36,1) 0%, rgba(6,6,116,1) 35%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%);

    • You are able to add some widget with elementor editor, but you will have to do it manually for each post. If you want to insert those widgets directly in the single post template, you will have to create or modify the single post template.

    As mentioned before, customizing templates is beyond the scope of our support, but you can purchase a customization service



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rene replied

    Thank you Alexandre,

    For further customization we'll look on that later.. For now most of all is fine..

    Just 1 think, about the post title... unlike the page demo on https://demo.sonaar.io/studio-elementor/we-are-finalist-the-international-music-festival/ , the post title isn't showing on our post page at all, actually.


    In the post-editor settings I have toggled on the option "Display post title as heading", but doesn't bring up the post title. I haven't seen any parameter in the theme options/single-post about this also.. so what am I missing here? :-)

    Thanks in advance.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Rene
    The option to hide the title is available in the post setting. see here


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rene replied


    lol.. actually I don't want it to be hidden. I want the post title to be shown instead! that's precisely what I don't get... :-D

    so please, how should I?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Oh sorry I was not clear enough. 
    I was guessing the option hide title was enable, but it is not the case, I mean not where I thought. 
    I have done a double check, I can see the title is hidden by some code provided by elementor. I think this is set in the h1 global style but I need a login credential to the wp-admin to find where exactly.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Rene replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I have fixed the title issue by removing classes from our theme to this elementor title hiding option. 
    And we was already awared from the revolution slider issue. This is something new since the last slider revolution version. I have downgrade the plugin to fix temporary the issue. No worries, this task is already on our roadmap.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rene replied

    Thank you for all Alexandre.

    One last question about a small issue I find a bit odd here... although it works by almost all text-areas, there are some where the "initial" (or "drop cap") doesn't work. Do you eventually know anything about that?


    For example in the "Podcast Jingles section" of this page (right column).. I've toggled it on/off a few times, tried to copy styling from the other text fields where it does work, but no result... 

    If you need to login, let me know, I'll turn on the admin-capabilities for your login.

    In advance, thanks again.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rene,
    Sorry for the wait,
    I presume you should have a drop cap here.
    May I have access to the wp-admin please?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Rene replied privately
  • Rene replied

    Good morning. 

    Dropcap issue just solved myself. Some unnecessary html tags in the text prevented it from showing. Removed them and now the dropcap appears to be working. :-)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Well done Rene


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Rene replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rene, 

    Importing demo content is highly recommended but it is not required.
    Sonaar has lot options. It could be disconcerting to built your site from scratch. 
    But as you already know Sonaar and you already has another sonaar site to refer too, maybe you will done well. This is really up to you. 

    If you want to install sonaar for its player only, you should consider using our mp3 player pro.
    We have released many new features this week:

    V.3.0 - 2021-11-24
    - New! Podcast Player!
    - New! Import Podcast from any major Podcast distributor
    - New! Player layout. Choose between floated and boxed player template
    - New! Refactored the setting options with better UI and tabs
    - New! Add playlist and player background
    - New! Many shortcode attributes available for both free and pro version
    - New! Display all playlist from specific playlist categories.
    - New! Display tracklist of every items that belong to the same category in the sticky player
    - New! Display track description eg: BPM, Hashtags, Episode description etc below each tracks.
    - New! Add Background Image and Gradient on the Elementor Widget
    - New! Option to use your own shortcode attributes in the single page
    - New! Option to change slug name for single playlist and categories
    - Improved Gutenberg block styling without refreshing the block
    - Improved slow performance when you have many playlist posts
    - New shortcode attribute: show_meta_duration = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_publish_date = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_tracks_count = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_skip_bt = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_shuffle_bt = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_speed_bt = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: show_volume_bt = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: strip_html_track_desc = true, false
    - New shortcode attribute: track_desc_lenght = number
    - New shortcode attribute: hide_trackdesc = true, false. Will hide track description.
    - New shortcode attribute: category = category ID separated by comas or 'all' for all posts.
    - New shortcode attribute: $posts_per_pages = number. When category attribute is used, you can set a maximum number of posts to load
    - New shortcode attribute: show_cat_description = true, false. Show category description set in the taxonomy description field. Default = false.
    - New shortcode attribute: album_store_position = 'top'. Apply to boxed player only. Show external link buttons in the boxed player instead of below the playlist.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew