  Public Ticket #2923008
Change The Fonts


  • Zorzes Katris started the conversation

    Hi sonaar,
    please help me how to can i change the name and the fonts in this post of your theme.
    Here the link of the post and i need to change the font of album title and the composer name - https://zorzes-katris.com/original-motion-picture-soundtracks/

    Thank you and please give me if possible this help as soon as possible for my production and the sharing propose at the film producers.
    Thank you very much for the friendly support and i apologies for the intermediate level of English!

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    You can edit it by editing your essential grid skin in wp-admin > Essential Grid > skin editor 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max and thank you for the steps, but i cant find exactly the field of skin editor...
    There i find only the "item skin editor". However into the item skin editor have not any field you can change the fonts, name, typography etc... You can see the attached screen shots bellow.

    Thank you Max and let me know what do you think.

    All the best
    Zorzes Katris,

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Click edit skin. see screenshot https://d.pr/i/1WPWaM


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max again and sorry very much for the confuse.
    See please the capture screen video file on attachment and tell me please where is exact the field of the typography of this slug for editing this addresses -https://zorzes-katris.com/original-motion-picture-soundtracks/ i mean always change the fonts and the name of album and composer by etc...
    Sorry for the beginer level of WordPress editing. That is my first time can do it.

    All the best
    Zorzes Katris

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/UxuAE1

    to add more fonts, go here: https://d.pr/i/L4QSdm

    Essential Grid have not updated their documentation with their recent new interface yet, but you will be able to get a glimpse of it: https://www.essential-grid.com/documentation/google-fonts/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max!

    After your last reply the fonts issue resolved very fine!
    Now rest only how i change the name author or composer. For example from "by Herbalizer" to "by Zorzes"
    See for more explanation the attechment screenshot. Please Max if possible to give me an full example where i find the field for editing the name author or composer.

    Thank you Max for everythink and for the friendly support!

    All the best
    Zorzes Katris

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Your Mairy's Lullaby Playlist Post has the artist Herbalizer attached to it.

    You can wether modify the artist name in wp-admin > Artist

    or create a new artist in wp-admin > artist then edit your Mairy's Lullaby playlist post, and assign the new artist to it. see example: https://d.pr/i/NhLVR3


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max and thank you again lot again!
    After 10 hours trying to resolve the issue like your example, never i find the solution.

    Please see the video screen record with my voice recording and now i hope to give you more explanation what i need.
    Also i try to make new artist but i can't find the same steps. However if my WordPress theme follow the same teps like your screenshot example where is the field of name editing of composer or author?
    I think if to send me a more clearly steps by steps video example or screenshot.

    Thank you very much Max and i hope to resolve this issue and i let you clear your important hours or days...!

    All the best
    Zorzes Katris

  •   Max replied privately
  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max and i apologies for the delay, i have a full session programming score and i read your message too late.
    Of course i give you access. You prefer via AnyDesk? With Any desk i can recorde the screen and then on the feature i have all the steps for another time. Also can i send you the credentials but how record the screen? If you make a screen record? I stay here for you the next 4-5 hours and for the any access method you prefer (with a screeon record for the steps) in my wp-admin.

    Thanx a lot Max for everything.

    All the best
    Zorzes Katris

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    We don't do direct chat. 

    Just provide me access to your wp-admin and I will check what is wrong and get back to you. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max,

    Here the credentials:
    admin [email protected]
    password rBxmNxUTP1Iipk1

    Please note that: After your support i need a fully steps how to editing the name and the artist "Music Clcik & Play"
    of follow address: https://zorzes-katris.com/original-motion-picture-soundtracks/

    Thank you Max.

    All the best
    Ζorzes Katris

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I have discovered a bug which I've just added to our roadmap. We will update a fix in the next theme updates.

    In the meantime, here is a workaround: Assign the artist here: https://d.pr/i/RwAdsf
    and save the post 2 times in a row.

    tell me if it works.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Zorzes Katris replied

    Hi Max and thank you.

    Looks like works but this is not a normally solution. You know...
    This bug need an update for fix it. Also about your comment for Essential Grid: "Essential Grid have not updated their documentation with their recent new interface yet, but you will be able to get a glimpse of it": https://www.essential-grid.com/documentation/google-fonts/

    Yes i agree is very important for this beautiful theme all plugin works clear and without issues.
    I understand how work the philosophy about the updates. Without the users of themes cannot find any bug...

    Thank you very much Max and i stay your disposal for any update if is possible soon.

    All the Best,
    Zorzes Katris