  Public Ticket #2949620
I can't figure out how to use elementor


  • Katie started the conversation

    I am having an extremely hard time using Elementor to update the website. Seems like most things I click on don't do anything. I did add some pictures but now I can not change them in Ellementor. I need to go to Wordpress to make changes. I can't figure out how to remove any of the random logos at the bottom of the page or update the social media links to my own links. So many things I need help with. I just want to make sure I can figure this out before my 14 day period is up or I will have to ask kindly for a refund. Maybe the Elementor, or these themes in general, were meant for people with more experience building websites. My experience is moderate. Even the youtube tutorials don't seem to quite match what I'm working with or looking at on my end. Any other suggestions? or a chat would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Katie

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Katie,

    Can you send me a screenshot of a particular item you want to change and I will guide you through it


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Katie replied

    Thanks for the response. Here is a screen shot of the bottom of my home page, How to make the soocial media links go to my own sites? And, how to remove all the random logo's at the bottom?

    Thank you,

  • Katie replied

    ok, here it is. 

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Katie,

    to edit the footer, go to WP-Admin > Header and Footers and edit your Footer with Elementor. See screenshot: https://d.pr/i/gvxjv7

    You will enter the Elementor Editor.

    Then you can select the widget you'd like, and edit them with the left panel. see screenshot https://d.pr/i/gOkG1U

    To remove a widget block, you simple have to right click on the widget and click delete. see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/2Oh947


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Katie replied

    Thanks Max, that was very helpful. Simple, as you say, once you know where to look. Is there another place online you would suggest I find info on how to work with elementor and wordpress? There are many things I'm finding I just can not figure out with all the clicking around. Or, is this 'Help' chat room always open and available? I would imagine once the site is on place I would only need assistance periodically. Thank you again, Katie

  • Katie replied

    How to remove the Sonaar logo from the top left of home page? If I click and headers and footers it only lets me edit footers. Also, how does one update the menu options, 'About', 'Events', etc so not all options are listed for example, just one 'About' page. Thanks!

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    - Sure. There are very nice and valuable youtube video on Elementor (Elementor is the most popular WordPress plugin with more than 100 000 users). Perhaps start with their official channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt9kG_EDX8zwGSC1-ycJJVA

    Also, you can post and check for help in the official Elementor Community Group on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Elementors/

    The benefits you'll get:
    - specific answers and workaround regarding your questions;
    - fast replies since the group is composed of 80K members. A lot of people are in your timezone too;
    - catch some very helpful tips and tricks on the fly; 
    - search similar questions and answers in the search tool.

    The group is very active and well-managed. There is no bad question and people are very respectful and helpful.

    - To remove or edit the logo, go to WP-Admin > Theme Options > logos

    - To edit the menu items, go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Menu


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Katie replied

    You've been excellent! Thank you, Feeling much better. I can do this:)