  Public Ticket #2964953
Replace Soundwave Bar by simple progress bar


  • forrestkirby started the conversation

    Dear Sonaar.io Crew,

    is it possible to replace the Soundwave Bar by a simple progress bar or is it possible to hide the Soundwave Bar but not the controls in general?

    In the article How to use the MP3 Audio Player Plugin + Shortcodes, the shortcode attribute `hide_timeline` is mentioned, but it removes both the progress bar (actually, the Soundwave Bar) and controls.

    I would need a shortcode attribute that either replaces the Soundwave Bar by a simple progress bar or hides only the progress bar (actually, the Soundwvae Bar), but not the controls.

    Thank you!

    Bets regards

  •  1,114
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    We do have a simple progress bar option available. Look this screenshot: https://d.pr/i/BbVYhK

    If you have additional questions, let me know


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • forrestkirby replied

    Thank you very much. This will change the appearance for all player throught my WordPress installation, right? There is no shortcode attribute that I can use to set this for an individual player I added via a shortcode, is there?

    Best regards

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi there,

    Yes, this will be applied on all players. No, no shortcode parameter exists. And dont have any work around to target only one specific player.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • forrestkirby replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    thank you for your reply. Maybe you could consider adding a shortcode parameter to define this per player. Anyways, my questions are all answered. Thank you very much!

    Kind regards