  Public Ticket #2986007
Secure my MP3 files


  • Ben started the conversation


    I have a website that allows subscribers to access some mp3 files to stream from my site. I want those files to only stream via my website, not downloaded. I've created an AWS S3 bucket to host my files, and I have limited the access only from some IPs (among which, my site, of course). So my site can access the files... so far, so good.

    I thought that would be enough, but I discovered that using the Sonaar plugin (and probably every other online player), when a client clicks to play on a track, the client browser attempt to access the source files directly (on the S3 bucket)... and therefore it doesn't work because the client IP is not whitelisted.

    Is there a way to "force" my site and the Sonaar plugin to be the "middle man" between the S3 source files and the client stream? 

    I need to find a way to protect my files when sharing them on my site: clients should be able to listen to them but not download them accessing the source Mp3 directly.

    Thanks for the support!
    Best regards,

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Please read this article for a good pointer how to do this. 

    I have never tried with s3 tho. 



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ben replied

    Awesome, thanks!