  Public Ticket #3022038
Music player not working at all


  • Patrick McCarty started the conversation

    I've tried adding this player in a bunch of different ways but I keep getting the same result. It appears to break the site completely and all I get is a blank black screen. You can see it here » https://perryinternati.wpengine.com/test-music-page/

    Any idea what the issue is?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    It looks like a JavaScript conflict.

    Could you try something for me? Please deactivate all your plugins except our plugin then see if the issue persists. If not, please reactivate your plugins one by one and see which plugin can cause the conflict.

    Tell me how it goes.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Patrick McCarty replied

    Thank you Max. It was a plugin conflict with a preloader. However, this has two new issues. First, it only seems to work in Safari. Second, it doesn't continually play when you go to another page. It remembers where it left off but you have to click the play button to resume the music. 


    Just let me know what might be the problem.

    thank you!

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Patrick,

    For the safari issue, make sure to clear your browser cache in chrome perhaps.

    For the continuous play, make sure that your browser allows auto-play for your site. See screenshot: https://d.pr/i/yupwQY


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Patrick McCarty replied

    Thanks Max. The continuous play issue was resolved using your suggestion but that's not really a fix. I can't ask all users of Safari to make this change. But since this is a Safari issue, not a plugin issue, I'm assuming there's nothing that can be done about it?

    For other browsers, I did clear the browser as well as the server cache but I'm not seeing this even in browsers I've not used before for this site. Are you actually able to see it as a sticky footer element?


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Patrick,

    Auto-play audio when your page loads is now banned by most desktop and mobile browsers including Chrome and Safari. This is what we call a "Auto-Play Policy". To play audio in a web browser, the user has to interact with the page before audio can play. Interactions is something like clicking a menu, a button, scroll down the page, etc.

    You can read more about the Chrome browser policy here: https://www.theoplayer.com/blog/chrome-autoplay-policy-what-you-need-to-know

    To learn more about Continuous Audio Playback and tool to use, read this blog: https://sonaar.io/tips-and-tricks/continuous-audio-player-on-wordpress/

    How have you setup the player on your site? Where can I see it? 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Patrick McCarty replied

    Max, thank you for your very quick responses. You've done a great job with your support. Your link describing the need for an Ajax theme in order to have this truly continuously play is what my client is wanting. I've sent this information to the client and I'm waiting for his reply.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Thank you


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew