  Public Ticket #3030115
Changing the button links of the event grid


  • Floor started the conversation

    Hello guys!

    Thanks for answering all my tickets so far :)

    I want to change the link of the 'buy tickets' and 'INFO' button on the event grid on my home page. I also want to change the link of the section. I don't want the link to go to the event template post because I don't like it. 

    Instead, I want to put here a custom link to one of my pages and an external link for the 'Buy Tickets' button.

    Can someone tell me how I can arrage this?

    Kind regards,


  • Floor replied

    Here is a picture of the event grid

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    You can set, remove or add buttons as you want in every event settings.
    See here
    The info button is always linked to the single event page. You can remove them if you want. Go to "wp-admin>Audio player and Event settings>Events" and disable the option Show "More Info" button.
    But be aware the whole event section from the event list is linked to the single event page. 
    So you can remove the Info button if you dont want it, but the solution for you is to use the "external link" feature. Edit each events post, and add the url here where you want to redirect visitor.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Floor replied

    Thanks for your fast and good reply Alexandre!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Floor replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    The event grid on the homepage was working perfectly. All of a sudden, the section won't go to their external link pages and is displays a 404 error. The external links haven't changed at all. Can you help me fix this?

    Kind Regards,


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Floor,

    I went to wp-admin>settings>permalinks
    And I have click on save change to regenerate permalink


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew