  Public Ticket #3034820
Logo menu won't delete


  • Geno started the conversation

         Hey braw. I'm pretty excited about the theme I just purchased so I appreciate that. As you'll see in the attachment, there's that blank spot for the logo that I'm having a difficult time trying to delete. The 2nd question is more difficult to verbalize, especially with my lack of experience. The playback section that has the songs has an additional border or outline around it which covers my background image. I want that background image to be present behind the music playing section. If you continuously scroll down you'll know what I mean. The background image becomes blocked. 

    One last thing braw.. My background image that I uploaded via wordpress looks great but in the mobile view it's way too big and I can't figure how to optimize it on that device. Thanks braw!!!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Geno, 

    1. It looks like you have found a way to fill the logo area https://d.pr/i/O6CX88.
    Well done!

    2. When you are talking about the playback section, are you talking about the beatstar shop section here?
    Are you asking how to remove the background color here to make the page background visible?

    3. Are you able to provide a login credential to the wp-admin? I will try to find a way to make it better on mobile.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Geno replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Geno, 

    2. I have removed the black background on the store section.
    If you want to remove the black background on the GENO section,
    please select the elementor section element,
     select the style tab and change the background

    3. About the background image. Of course a landscape image will be croped on each side if it has to fill a vertical screen. The image you have chosen is not really a good background image, because it cant be cuted. My recommendation is to remove the logo from the background, and relocated it as a png with transparency in the homepage content. I dont know if you are able to seperate the logo from the background.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew