  Public Ticket #3037144
How can I integrate woo commerce plugin in mp3 audio player


  • Motaz started the conversation

    How can I integrate woo commerce plugin in mp3 audio player. So the user can directly purchase the song from website.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    See documentation here: https://sonaar.io/docs/mp3-audio-player/woocommerce-related/

    If you have any issues, let me know


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Motaz replied

    I also saw one option of integrating Rebirth template from Elementor

    into my Music website under one of a tutorial document

    I have purchased an Elementor pro plugin to accomplish this feature

    but its not looking like this

    can you please confirm if we can achieve this through the help of mp3 music pro and elementor pro plugins?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Have you purchased the Rebirth Templates Kit for Elementor yet ? ( see here: https://sonaar.io/theme/rebirth-elementor-kit/ )

    Then you will be able to import the Rebirth Kit into your website and it will looks 100% identical.

    If you have additional questions, let me know


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Motaz replied

    Actually, I have bought Elementor Pro plugin and Music Pro plugin

    so it should work because in Tutorial it was mentioned that we need

    both these plugins to make the template look like the demo of Rebirth

    Can you please take a look at my website link here


    Actually its looking similar now but , the thing
    is I need option of on hover on the music listed on the page

    can you please check this page
    and see on hover there

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I can see the hover animation on your product. see screenshot https://d.pr/i/n2ZeKO

    If it still does not work for you, please elaborate on your issue so I can reproduce the issue on my computer.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Motaz replied

    Actually this section I have created with the help of a builder
    and used elements from Sonar+ elementor to create the hover effect
    but its not working on default Shop page coming from woocommerce
    i had to create a separate template to enable this feature/

    anyways one more thing i need to know
    how to enable subscription option for this website?
    so end user can come to website and purchase subscription package
    (monthly or annually)
    and how they can get access to all the songs listed under my website
    within that package for a month or year?
    can you please help with this please?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    For subscription management/payment and content restriction, I recommend WooCommerce Subscription plugin, or maybe Memberpress.

    2 great plugins that many users use for their subscription-related website


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Motaz replied

    Yes I can enable the subscription payments from Woocommerce but regarding the access to all sounds/musics/products after subscription?
    can you kindly help me on that please?
    I can see the subscription functionality working on REBIRTH template provided by sonaar+ elementor
    can you please share some tutorial link on how to achieve - FULL ACCESS of all music/sounds after taking subscription and restrictions once the subscription date is reached.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    If you want to give access to the specific content of your site when a member has paid their fee, you can do this with a content/page restriction plugin..

    The idea is to restrict some pages that embed your playlists/music, to members only.

    More info here: https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-memberships-restrict-content/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Motaz replied

    Hello Team
    I saw a theme https://sonaar.io/demos/?theme=Karbones
    can you guys please confirm, if I purchase theme
    1) can i get same exact layout?
    2) Does it require SOnaar music player pro plugin and Elementor pro plugin separately?
    or are these part of this theme?
    3) Can you please also confirm, woocommerce will be part of this theme? Can I use add to cart, checkout functionality
    for music files in mp3 or wav format under this theme?
    4) And if elementor pro and music pro plugin not required after using this theme
    Can you please refund my money that I have invested on purchasing those extra plugins?

    Looking forward to hear from you soon

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    thanks for reaching out,

    1) Yes, you will be able to import the exact same layout using our Demo Importer.

    2) Sonaar MP3 Audio Player Pro is not required. There is a basic built-in audio player that is included with the theme but is very basic compared to MP3 Audio Player Pro. MP3 Audio Player Pro is much more e-commerce oriented and has more features in terms of customization, lyrics, e-commerce, shortcodes, dynamic options, etc.. 

    Elementor Pro is not required and the theme you see on our demo do not use it. But its a great plugin to built nice WooCommerce page layouts.

    3) WooCommerce is a free plugin and you can install it with any themes.  MP3 Audio Player Pro is a great addition to add music to the cart directly / automatically from the sticky player.

    4) We offer 14 days refund within the initial date of your purchase.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew