  Public Ticket #3039648
Feature Request


  • Jesse started the conversation

    I'd just like to start off by saying that sonaar is a fantastic plugin and the contract delivery feature that was added in 3.5 is great! Top notch work!

    In regards to my feature request, I was wondering if there were any plans to implement a search bar and filter... Idealy with AJAX I guess, and the ability to search and filter by custom or ACF fields? At that point to I guesse the matter of an infinite scroll or load more button might be a thing if the playlist was very large...

    I understand this is not an easy add, but I wanted to just throw it out there as I feel it would give the player an edge over things like beatsStars when it comes to selling licenses as it would then have all of the same features and be even better in my oppion because everything would be under the one wordpress roof.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Jesse,

    A search feature with filters and infinite scroll would be an awesome addition.

    Do you have some website examples that you like in terms of features you are describing? just to give me some ideas. Ill probably add this to our roadmap.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew