  Public Ticket #3047308
Automatic RSS and use of ID3 Information


  • Radio Maria Südtirol ODV started the conversation


    We got the Mp3Player Pro Plugin on our homepage. It works fine. 

    1) Automatic delete of empty entrys:

    May I ask an information regarding the automatic RSS update. There is no Problem with the autofech function. BUT how can Episodeentrys, whose audiofile has been deletet on the FTP/Webspace be deleted in an automatic way?

    For example, with a cronjob I import the audiofiles from a certain folder with XML Data https://radiomaria.bz.it/audiodaten/Glaubensforum/ that works fine. 

    But if files are deletet there (via FTP Client), the "Episode" Entry in Wordpress remains. It seems, that it is no problem to ADD automatically new files. But how do I delete automatically entrys whose files do not longer exist on our Webspace?

    2) ID3 Information

    For us it would be perfect, if we could use the "album" Tag (from the ID3 Tag of an audiofile), to distinguish the "show". Is there any possibilty offerd by the Mp3Player Pro Plugin?

    We add our Audiofiles (with cover and ID3 Information) in a webfolder. So for our editorial Workers, there would be no necissity to enter the backend of our homepage. Just drop the file in the webspace.

    Thank You for further help and Information,


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Unfortunately, we dont have a function developed to remove deleted files from the CMB2 library im afraid. If other user requests it, its something we might add in a future update.

    Our show terms in the plugin is a Wordpress taxonomy, its not possible to link the ID3 of the file with the taxonomy, sorry


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew