  Public Ticket #3080072
playlist pagination


  • Tudor started the conversation

    Hi i am trying to find a way of adding pagination to the playlist. the playlist on the homepage is now 15 songs as we want to add our label releases to the homepage. Is there a way to add pagination and only show 10 tracks and then have a next button. If not is there a way of creating an essential grid with singles each from different artists. We dont want to actually create artist pages for every artist we release. We only have 4 residential artists. 

    Thanks in advance


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    We dont have pagination system built-in in the player.

    Perhaps you can use Essential Grid to display single playlist post and have the Essential Grid pagination enabled, but it will display the post in a grid format.

    You might also want to check our MP3 Audio Player Pro version (available at https://sonaar.io/mp3-audio-player-pro/ ), we do have a scrollbar feature where you can set the height of your playlist, and a scroll will show up so the player wont take too much space in your page. See screenshot https://d.pr/i/PKgrlV


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew