  Public Ticket #3083544
Adding download button when using the Audio Source Metakey ID to display audio


  • Chris started the conversation


    I'm using the Audio Source Metakey ID and Repeater Group Metakey ID to display/play audio which I was told to do here on support. However, from what I can see that then means the call to action buttons aren't displayed next to the track.

  • Chris replied

    Is there way to add another field to display the download link on the front end?

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 13.42.13.png

  •  1,103
    Max replied

    Hello Chris,

    If you'd like to use our Call to actions buttons to display them next to the tracks, you must use our custom fields instead of using metakeys im afraid: https://d.pr/i/NiBik4 because they are binded together.

    You can enable our custom fields for any post types by going to wp-admin > mp3 player > settings. see screenshot https://d.pr/i/9gHOWh


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chris replied

    I feared you might say that Max.

    Do you remember we spoke a long time ago. Our page was loading really slowly.. so you recommended 2 things to help speed up the page.. moving the website out of a sub-directory and into the main route folder (which I've done but it sadly made no difference to the loading speed) and also using the metakey solution - this DID speed up the load time on the page dramatically however as a result we've sadly lost the download functionally. There's no other way around it?? 

  •  1,103
    Max replied


    Unfortunately, as much as I would love to help you, those features are not possible with Sonaar at the moment.

    On my end, I tagged this ticket as a feature request so that our development team can consider this option, but this doesn't guarantee that Sonaar will indeed implement this feature.

    I would like to apologize for not providing you with this particular feature at the moment.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew