  Public Ticket #3089631
too many requests error msg


  • tyler started the conversation

    hello ~

    i have been using sonaar for some time now, and i've always had this issue (like.. for multiple years), but it comes and goes in regards to how often it happens and how bad it gets. lately it has been happening a lot more often though, and at this point i am very frustrated with it and might spend the time to redo my entire website with a different music player service.

    i will say, i know little to nothing about the actual coding and stuff behind all of this. i use EasyWP and use all the automagic stuff, but i manage. this could all be my fault entirely, etc. but i figure id come to you for some help before i switch to another music service or something just in case.

    when listening to music on my website, it will very, very often not play the song when i press play, and instead refreshes the page and takes me to a blank, white page that says '

    429 Too Many Requests

    You have sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

    and my entire website will be locked down for a minute or two and only this white page saying that error message will display. 

    if this happens to ME almost every time i go to listen to my tunes, i can only imagine it happens to most other people who go to my site as well. 

    at this point, its almost to the point where even i myself dont enjoy going through my website to listen to my stuff, because of how often it does this error. 

    is this a known thing? is there any way you can help me troubleshoot without logging into my account? im just not sure what it would be on my end, it seems that something is sending way more requests than it should be, but all i do is click Play on your media player and then my website goes down for a minute.

    EDIT: i see there are a few recent updates for wordpress in the last couple of months.. i am going to try to update everything and see if that helps.

    I have updated all that i can update, however im not sure how to update Sonaar to 3.6. I see this message on my update screen:

    There is a new version of MP3 Audio Player by Sonaar - Pro Addon available. View version 3.6 details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.

    where am i able to manually update this plugin?

    thank you for your help, i really appreciate your time.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Please check this directly with your web  hosting provider.

    Additional info on the 429 Too many request issue: https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/429-too-many-requests-error

    Please read this article about how to update MP3 Audio Player Pro.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew