  Public Ticket #3090455
Getting started


  • Christopher started the conversation

    I purchased Pro and then fumbled my way through everything for a couple days. Frustrated, I purchased the elementor upgrade. Did I need to?

    All I want to do is transform this one page, link above, into a podcast page. I do not want to add a new theme to the entire site. 

    I’m struggling here. Help? I’ve been using the site theme for a while and like the site. I was hoping that with Sonaar Pro, I could give the one page a different look and feel. As suggested, I want to just link to the RSS feeds so I do not have to store everything on my website. 

    Everything I find seems to point to changing the entire website or creating a new one. Can you point me in the right direction?

    Thank you,


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hello Christopher,

    Sorry for the confusion, im here to assist you.

    When you refer to the Elementor upgrade, what product do you mean exactly? (Elementor Pro ?)

    Elementor is a page builder to help you customize/design your page layout as well as your Elementor Widgets on the page with a visual builder. Very very powerful and easy to use...But if I check your website, you don't seem to be using Elementor page builder right now ? Elementor is NOT required in order to use our MP3 Audio Player, but it's a superb tool to use and a total game changer on how you design websites.

    To import/link your podcast RSS feed and get started with our podcast player, please follow this instruction.

    If you have additional questions, let me know


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Christopher replied

    I'm getting frustrated and now and so is my web designer who designed and has been updating my site. She even ran into a known problem with Elementor.

    I use the Divi theme for my website, hosted by WordPress. The only think I want to do is add a podcast player to the following PAGE:


    I followed the instructions, set everything up, and it even looks like it is pulling the information in from Podbean. But nothing that I do or that my designer does works. See attached screenshot.



  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Cristopher, 
    To add a player you can insert this shortcode to your page content 
    [sonaar_audioplayer albums="1011"][/sonaar_audioplayer]

    You have to replace the albums parameter value by a podcast episode ID. To find out your episode(album) ID, see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/KH79f2 
    Of course you can add more than one episode, you just have to seperate ID by a comma. 
    Here our artcicle about shortcode parameters https://sonaar.io/docs/add-audio-player-with-shortcode/
    Please let me know how it goes


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew