  Public Ticket #3101632
page double loading


  • Rick started the conversation

    I had asked about the pages double loading and it appears this may be due to nitropak plugin so i have also raised a ticket with them.

    i did notice another issue. on the home page there is a box that has texty in it business, finance, trading health and life

    this entire box was up closer to the top and even with the "A Traders Life Podcast Show" text on the left but it dropped down lower and i do not know why or how to fix it. can yo help possibly?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rick, 
    The double loading issue is probably related to our ajax navigation feature and a third part plugin you have installed (probably nitropack). You can go to wp-admin>theme options>general settings to disable the Ajax continuous player option. This will probably removed the double loading behavior. But you probably dont want to disable the Continuous player. 

    About the second issue. This is what I see on your site from my device https://d.pr/i/8cBm9j
    I presume the box is lower on your side because it looks well on my side.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rick replied

    yes i dont want to disable the continuous player so what should i do? if that will fix the double loading issue but i cant lose the continuous player so what are my options?

  • Rick replied

    also, i am trying to add a social icon if you are on home page and click green subscribe in upper right corner --- you see a flyout how do i edit that (where) i can not find it in the wp admin menus. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rick, 
    Do you confirm the double loading behavior happen only when the nitropack plugin is activated?
    I m not familiar with this plugin but I presume it have many settings you can customize. Maybe the issue is only caused by one option you can disable. I recommend you to investigate on that path. Otherwise you still can choose to disable notripack.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    The menu is built through a "header and footer" post type. 
    To edit the header, go to wp-admin>header & footer
    And edit the header post through the elementor editor. 

    As you will see, the "subscribe" item is built with a "offcanvas" element. 
    Offcanvas purpose is to open a panel. The Panel content is built through elementor template
    As you can see here, a template is selected in the offcanvas settings
    So to edit the offcanvas panel content, click here, or go to wp-admin>templates. And edit the off canvas template. 

    Here our article about header and offcanvas: https://sonaar.io/docs/how-to-change-header-mobile-menu-and-offcanvas-menu/


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew