  Public Ticket #3142196
Deactivating Google Fonts


  •  1
    Rawand started the conversation

    Hello there,

    due to compliance violations there is a big problem in Europe/Germany with the integration of Google Fonts into WP sites. There is also a big wave of warning letters by lawyers swell and I have one on my table swell, due to the use of Google Fonts on my Wp site.

    Now I tried to install plugins like OMGF, that should take care of this problem and install the Fonts locally on my server, but it does not seem to work. Now my question is: Has anybody here had the same problem and does it have to do with the Theme Design?

    Would appreciate any hint to get this of my desk :)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Rawand, 
    You can disable all googlefont in the theme setthings.
    Go to wp-admin>theme options>typography
    And reset all font options or select a system font as arial.

    Go to wp-admin>audio player setting
    And unselect all font selected. 

    Those steps should prevent requests from our theme to the googlefont library.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew