  Public Ticket #3145057
POP UP segments, field and items


  •  1
    Arturo started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I need to take out "numbers of free download" and reduce the space  in some places. See screenshot. 


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Arturo, 

    You can hide the "numbers of download" by removing its value here

    The margin you want to reduce is hardcoded, and changing color on a specific word is not something we can devellop as a plugin feature. Those customizition are going a bit beyond the scope of our support. But as I see, you have found a way to colored some words in the title.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Arturo replied

    HI Alexandre, 

    "But as I see, you have found a way to colored some words in the title." I did that in the title of the product that match with the background of my home page, but doesn't match with the background of the pop up, are different styles.

    What means hardcode? Is it no possible change anything? 

    "Those customizition are going a bit beyond the scope of our support" I ask you this because is your plugin, so I need some orientation.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Arturo,

    By "Harcoded" I mean no option is available to set this gap as you want.
    Yes it is possile to change it with a custom css code but we cant provide custom code to all our customers to adjust all elements from our products. I hope you understand the scope of our support has to be limited otherwise our business would not be viable. By limited, I dont mean we will not help you anymore. Of course we will be glad to guide through all features we have developped. But fine tuning who require custom code are beyond the scope of our support. 
    For this time here how to reduce the gab as you want.
    Please add this custom css code:

    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Arturo replied

    Hi Alexandre, 

    Ok, I understood what you mean about the scope of the support.  

    I found a solution reducing the items and the titIe of the pop up. 

    I tried the CSS code but it didn't work. 

    Thanks Alexandre

  •  1
    Arturo replied

    Hi Alexandre, 

    Ok, I understood what you mean about the scope of your support.  

    I found a solution reducing the items and the titIe of the pop up. 

    I tried the CSS code but it didn't work. 

    Thanks Alexandre

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I m glad you have found a way to do it.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew