  Public Ticket #3146177
Google Fonts


  • Ronny started the conversation

    Hey Guys,

    Due to Google Fonts and the associated data protection violations (GDPR), there was recently a court ruling in Germany. Google Fonts must now be saved locally and may not be loaded from the Google server.

    The theme is directly connected to Google Fonts. I disabled all google fonts in theme settings. Nevertheless, the theme connects to the Google Fonts server and loads the Open Sans font.

    1. How can the connection be completely removed?
    2. With the sticky audio player, I also reset all the settings for the google fonts. How can I use a custom font?

    Thanks in advance for the help :) I'm sure this topic will interest many users in the EU.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Ronny 

    Here how to disable all google Font:

    Step 1 – Disable all Google Fonts from theme settings: Go to wp-admin>theme options>typography: And select a system font (eq: Arial) or click on reset (https://d.pr/i/3ZHbXB) for each element.

    – Go to wp-admin>theme options>menu: And do the same if the classic menu or the push menu is selected as the menu type.
    – Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Music Player: Select “Select Font” or a systeme font for each typography options.
    – Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Podcast Player: Select “Select Font” or a systeme font for each typography options.
    – Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Events: Select “Select Font” or a systeme font for each typography options.

    Step 2 – Disable all Google Fonts from elementor content.
    Many elements from our demos contents are styled from the elementor editor. You have to go through all elementor content and reset all elements set with a googlefont. Dont forget header & footers (wp-admin>Header & Footers).

    Step 3 – Disable all Google Fonts from Essenital Grid.

    -Go to wp-admin>Essential Grid>Global Settings>Fonts: And Remove all google fonts.
    -Edit all essential grid SKIN used on your site and remove all google fonts.

    To use a custom font, you can use a third part plugin or set them with some custom CSS code.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew