  Public Ticket #3146249
Font awesome local


  • Jochen started the conversation

    Hi there,

    could you explain how i could install fontawesome local in your sonaar themes?

    best regards


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Unfortunately, as much as I would love to help you, this feature is not possible with Sonaar at the moment.

    On my end, I tagged this ticket as a feature request so that our development team can consider this option, but this doesn't guarantee that Sonaar will indeed implement this feature.

    Alternatively, there could also be third-party plugins or add-ons available to offer this feature such as , so I would advise you to join Facebook groups Elementor + Which Plugin? Facebook or Elementor community and check with the users for such a plugin recommendation.

    Finally, I would like to apologize for not providing you with this particular feature at the moment.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jochen replied

    Hi Max,

    that is really mad because we have much trouble here in germany with this situation! I got some legal action about that shit yesterday...i could fix the google font shit...but need really a solution how i could fix this with fontawesome also...

    best regards


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Jochen,
    We have received many similar request this week from german customers. We will work on this. For now I can only guide you to remove all request to googlefont library to make your site legit. But I cant help you to load them locally


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jochen replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    i could switch the GoogleFonts to my local server now...an try to put out all Font AwesomePics of the website...but get always this

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='sr-font-awesome-css'  href='https://www.powwmusic.de/wp-content/themes/sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/fontawesome/css/fontawesome.min.css?ver=5.12.0' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='sr-font-awesome-brand-css'  href='https://www.powwmusic.de/wp-content/themes/sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/fontawesome/css/brands.min.css?ver=5.12.0' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='sr-font-awesome-solid-css'  href='https://www.powwmusic.de/wp-content/themes/sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/fontawesome/css/solid.min.css?ver=5.12.0' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='sr-font-awesome-regular-css'  href='https://www.powwmusic.de/wp-content/themes/sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/fontawesome/css/regular.min.css?ver=5.12.0' type='text/css' media='all' />

    code...is it not possible to switch of all font awesome actions on elementor/sonaar?

    Thanx and best regards Jochen

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Here how to disable all request to the Google Fonts library

    Step 1 – Disable all Google Fonts from theme settings: Go to wp-admin>theme options>typography: And select a system font (eq: Arial) or click on reset (https://d.pr/i/3ZHbXB) for each element.

    - Go to wp-admin>theme options>menu: And do the same if the classic menu or the push menu is selected as the menu type.
    - Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Music Player: Select "Select Font" or a systeme font for each typography options.
    - Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Podcast Player: Select "Select Font" or a systeme font for each typography options.
    - Go to wp-admin>Audio Player & Event Settings>Events: Select "Select Font" or a systeme font for each typography options.

    Step 2 – Disable all Google Fonts from elementor content.
    Many elements from our demos contents are styled from the elementor editor. You have to go through all elementor content and reset all elements set with a googlefont. Dont forget header & footers (wp-admin>Header & Footers). Or follow this article https://www.moorewebexposure.com/wordpress-posts/elementor/disable-all-google-fonts-from-loading-in-elementor/

    Step 3 – Disable all Google Fonts from Essenital Grid.

    -Go to wp-admin>Essential Grid>Global Settings>Fonts: And Remove all google fonts.
    -Edit all essential grid SKIN used on your site and remove all google fonts.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew