  Public Ticket #3166413
Template "video posts - list" can't edit


  • Vladislav Muller started the conversation


    I've purchased Symphony theme. 

    When I tried to edit your predefined page from demo, "videos - list", I can't edit it with elementor. 

    I have an error, you can see at attachment. 

    I realized, when I change page template to "default", editing with elementor is functinal properly. When I change it to layout like your demo by change page template to "video posts - list", I can't enter that page for edit.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    We cant edit the video-list template. But you can select the "default" template and use the "video list" element through the elementor editor to built something similar.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Vladislav Muller replied


    ok, I'm able to do that by your advice. 

    I have another question and I think is not necessary to open another ticket. 

    I have translated string Read more in Theme options, but there are still not translated string "Read more" on homepage. How can I edit that?

    And additional question about compatibility. There is an update available for elementor, but tells me, there is no known compatibility for sonaar addons. May I update elementor and risk broke my web or better way will be to wait for update of the template? 

    Thank you.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Please go to wp-admin>Essential Grid>item skin editor

    Edit the "News Masonry" skin
    And change the text here


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Vladislav Muller replied

    Thank you very much. I would never have found this :-)