  Public Ticket #3194992
Audio size / mp3 / bitrate / jetengine


  • Paul Koch started the conversation


    I have listing element of Jetengine repeating 3 woo-commerce products which are albums. It is all displayed correctly, however when I play a few songs, it looks to stop working. Especially the last album.

    I suspect the problem is with the file size/format which are MP3 files (192kb/s CBR) and around 10MB each. Maybe it's too big? Also, I have quite a slow internet connection 10Gb/sec) so maybe that's the problem. However, it should work fine for everybody of course.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I can't seem to be able to reproduce on my computer. Could you please elaborate on the steps to reproduce the issue on my end and I will check this for you. Perhaps send me a video recording and see if there is any error in the browser console.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Paul Koch replied

    Hi Max,

    I've compressed the audio files to a much lower size and it's a lot better now. I guess the plugin tries to pre-load everything correct? Is there a way not to preload and only load on play?

    Also, I noticed a problem in the layout. If I don't have lyrics available for a song. The allignment isn't nice. (see attachment) It would be nice if it's possible to put the action/icons before the time of the track.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    The mp3 is starting playing before the download end so this should not be a problem. 

    About the lyric aligment. The offset aligment happen only because some track doesnt have lyric. I dont have any fix to align vertically all durations. Sorry.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Paul Koch replied

    ok. Thanks. Ticket can be closed.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew