  Public Ticket #3197901
GDPR Google Fonts


  • Christian started the conversation

    Hi, I´m very frustrated about the current situation regarding google fonts!

    Essential Grid
    I´ve changed all fonts manually in the Essential Grid grids

    Elementer Content

    • I´ve checked the global website settings for typography --> all default (see picture)
    • I own Elementor Pro --> I´ve downloaded the 2 google-fonts I use on my homepage and added them to Elementor (see picture)
    • How can I define the local installed fonts in the sonaar template typography options? (see picture) Normally I scroll to the beginn of the list, and i can find all standard fonts (see picture)

      As comparison: In Elementor I can select the two local installed fonts under typography (custom fonts/eigene schriften)

    Please help! :-)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Christian,

    It is important to not select a googlefont in the Sonaar theme options. 
    To assign a local font to all h1, please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js
    And insert a custom css code in the custom css field:

    font-family: 'Montserrat';

    I understand this whole situation is annoying. We have many customers from Germany. We are planning to work on this issue. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Christian replied

    Can you please send a screenshot where exactly? There are so many options to manipulate the css in Elementor :D

  •  678


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Christian replied privately
  •   Alexandre replied privately
  •   Christian replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately, we don't do live screen chat or live chat. We answer our customers from oldest to newest tickets only, as soon as we are available. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Christian replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Christian,  

    The login credential you have provided doesnt work.  Some google font still loading because some sonaar settings still set with a google font.  

    Probably in the menu option. 

    Please go to wp-admin>theme options>typography  And Reset all fonts (See here)

    Go to wp-admin>theme options>menu option Reset All fonts.  

    Select "push menu" here 

    And Reset all fonts. 

    Dont forget to reselect the "classic menu" when it is done.

    Go to wp-admin>audio player & events setting>Music player 

    Select "Select a font" for each font option  (see here

    Do the same to wp-admin>audio player & events setting>Podcast player 

    And  to wp-admin>audio player & events setting>Events


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Christian replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    all things I´ve done before your reply. One I forgot is the push menu fonts. So I did it.

    But no improvement :-(

    I´ve reseted the credentials again.

    • www.soundforest-studio.de/wp-admin
    • When you access the site, at first a popup apperas -> you have to type in "rb" for the user and "fitowl" for the password to have access to the wordpress login-page
    • Then you can login to wordpress (read only mode) with the following credentials
    • User: [email protected]
    •  Password: sB8!Hm8c&$4cDl

    Look at the attachment: Can this be a hint for the problem?

    If I open the green marked link i get a css file. But where is it located in wordpress?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You still have like 10 fonts selected in the dropdowns here...reset them and reenter only the font-size/font-weight and line-height. see screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/9Jjlgq


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Christian replied

    Hi Max,

    I was very confused about your screenshot. Because exactly all fonts in the typography section I have de-selected like I mentioned in my post before.

    Now some fonts appeared again in the typography section. Very strange. I´ve deactivated them and now it looks better.

    Big thank you for the fantastic support.

    Can you please implement in your next update, that local fonts (I downloaded Montserat and Oswald in Elementor Pro for offline availability) can be chosen in the typography section?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Unfortunately no, Elementor custom fonts cannot be chosen/linked on the typography dropdown within our theme options. you will need to do custom CSS in order to use offline fonts.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Christian replied

    OK, then CSS.

    Can you tell me the right CSS commands to manipulate the fonts in: Music Player, Playlist and Events?

    Thank you :)

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately providing custom css to customize your website is beyond the scope of our support. You might want to hire a developer in order to use offline fonts on your website. 

    I have added the offline font feature we are discuting since the beginning of this thread to our roadmap and we will work on this in a next update. I don't have any eta at this time tho. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew