  Public Ticket #3207966
impossible to change track order


  • Rob started the conversation

    Dear Support,

    I have 60 tracks in my playlist. I need to change the order of the tracks (new aded tracks has to go up in the list because of the Alpabethical order) but when I try, the page get stucked. Its not possible to move them. Your is highly apreciated!

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You can use the option to reverse the track order on front end? This will reverse the whole playlist order from last one to new one. This option is available when you edit your playlist


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rob replied

    My question was not to publish the entire list backwards, but to drag newly added tracks to the correct position in the existing track list. This doesn't work.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    The orderering feature and our custom fields rely on a very popular open source library called CMB2. Currently, there is an issue with ordering items manually within a big playlist.  The community is aware of this and we are still waiting a bug fix for this.

    Currently I don't have solution at this time im afraid.



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rob replied

    Dear Max. This problem has been going on for over a year, and not just with large playlists. (I just did a test, even with a playlist of 25 tracks I get the message that the page doesn't respond when I want to move a track) You really disappoint me with your response. I get emails from Sonaar with crazy fantastic new features and you are unable to solve a basic fundamental problem that has been going on for over a year? I can not believe it. Sonaar's appearance is unparalleled and beautiful, but a weak spot should be a priority to be fixed.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I can take a look at it but I don't guarantee that this can be fixed until CMB2 release an official fix for it

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Rob replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I can't seem to be able to reproduce on my computer. See video I have recorded: https://drops.sonaar.io/v/wNrpDk

    Could you please elaborate on the steps to reproduce the issue on my end and I will check this for you.

    If browser crash or become unresponsive, its mostly means that the computer cant compute fast enough the info it has to process. In this case, I might recommend you temporarily deactivate all your plugins (so the computer has less connections to do with all the plugins you have activated). If it does not work, i recommend you try with a different browser or a different computer if this resolve the issue you are having so we know what the culprit is.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Rob replied

    Ok, I did the following:

    First I checked the same playlist as you did (with 26 track) I did not got the message as before with  'page not responding' But still the responding time is slowly in my opinion. 

    But when I go to the playlist with 60 tracks, I get 'page is not responding' on different computers. I suppose you would get the same.This  is the page: https://www.robinwoodmusicbox.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=34822&action=edit&classic-editor&classic-editor__forget

    When I deactivate all plugins exept Sonaar, there is no problem, the track is moving instantly up or down. So I could use this option for the moment to order my tracks. But I wonder: Am I the only one experiencing the slow responding when moving a track in larger playlists or did more users report this issue over the time? If not, what could be wrong?

    Besides the slow responding issue, I would kindly but urgently request an improvement. Because its still a nightmare to move a track 30 places up in the list. The playlist doesn't seem designed to be arranged manually at all. It would be a huge improvement if the track title is visible in the bar, and that I can move it by drag and drop. This was super easy and fast to do with other playlist plugins I used before.

    Kindest regards, Rob

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    If it works when all plugins are deactivate, perhaps there is one of your plugin that cause the issue. Please deactivate them all and activate plugin one by one to see which plugin cause the issue.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew