  Public Ticket #3234059
Skullz Theme Help


  • Mark Briody started the conversation

    Is there theme specific documentation?  I can't seem to find it anywhere.  All I need to know is where each element is on the Skullz theme.  I've been searching for how to change the giant zombie background image for 3 hours now and I can't find where to change it.  I can't click on it in the editor. It took me 2 hours of trial and error to see that adding a new band member is a matter of copying and existing one and pasting it in the same frame.  Any help appreciated.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Mark, 

    Here our documentation https://sonaar.io/docs/wordpress-themes/.

    To change the zombie image on the homepage, please edit the home page with elementor,
    1- Select the first section element
    2- Click on the "Style" tab
    3- Change the image background

    See here


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mark Briody replied

    Thanks for the response!

    But much seems to missing from the documentation.  For example, to edit the big text on the 'Band Page' you can't do it in Elementor.  You have to do a normal edit from Wordpress.  Other times you can make that change in Elementor, but not for that one.

    On the music grid, I've found out how to change the album graphic, the title, but not the 'By Diamond' artist text.  I've been looking all day for it.

    I know you're trying to run a business, I'll gladly pay a few hundred dollars extra for a document on the Skullz theme.  Specially just where to find everything to change the demo to my content.  The graphics were easily, I installed the 'Replace Media' plugin.  That works great.  But some of these other things, like the artist name in the essential grid. it' sjust taking me hours.

    So if you have a document specifically for the Skullz theme, I'll pay for it.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Mark,

    Sometimes, a page might simply use the page title of your page in WordPress. thats why you cant edit it with Elementor. You just have to change the title of your page.

    The "By Diamond' text is a dynamic title thats pull the artist name (Diamond) associated with your playlist.

    Each playlist has the option to assign Artists. The artists are setup in WP-Admin > Artists. See screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/i3OkEd

    We offer free support so if you have additional questions, let us know


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mark Briody replied

    Thanks again for your help!

    I am making great progress except for one thing -

    I am unable to change to color of the text in the menu when I hover over it.  For example - when I put my cursor on 'About' in the Skullz theme menu, I get the purple background color.  I want to change that color.

    Under Theme Options > Menu Options I see a field for 'Main Item Hover Background Color'.  That sounds exactly like what I need to change.  And it's that same purple color.  But changing it does nothing.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Mark, 
    May I have your site url and if possible a login credential to the wp-admin?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mark Briody replied


    The Official Jag Panzer Website

    admin - BuzBuzZtriy55
    pwd - R451!!zzhy981!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Mark, 

    I have tested and those settings will do what you want but you have the clear cache.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mark Briody replied

    THANK YOU!  Clearing the cache worked like a charm.

    Everything else seems to be working fine, except for one more question.

    I cannot find the location of these buttons / icons at the bottom of the individual album page.  I am using the 'Album With Side Cover' album setting (I just cloned the Dust to Play from the demo).

    I have everything working on the page but I can't find these bottom buttons so I can change them.  The buttons I want to edit are highlighted in yellow in the screen shot

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Mark, 

    Please go to wp-admin>theme otpions>social media


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew