  Public Ticket #3250491
Optional Track Information


  • Mirco Fragomena started the conversation

    So there is "Optional Track Information" with all the perks of having a formatting text editor (bold, H1-2-3-4, underline, links..) and to add classes to these texts, but when the plugin renders the content there's no formatting, no class, so nobody can format descriptions as they want.

    For instance, I have Genres that I want to CSS in a way, then description in another way, then details of a track (years, BPM etc..) in another way. This now appears all on one line, not even the <br> gets rendered.

    It's quite useless and impossible to code, any possibility to do it?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Mirco,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Just to make sure we are on the same page. Are you referring to this: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/8dmkkT

    If so, on the screenshot above, i have slightly modified the script to allow this. I need to test it a bit more to make sure its a solid tweak, then if you want, I can patch it for you so you can test it? How does it sounds ?

    If so, could you please provide me a temporary access to your wp-admin and I will apply the fix after testing it on my side.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mirco Fragomena replied

    Hi Max,

    Yes that's the part where I'm missing any tags, class, and formatting, on the normal version. 

    Unfortunately, I am not comfortable in sharing the access to our WP website, as it's for a slightly big client with sensitive data on it. If there's nothing that I can do myself — I'll also try to tweak the code maybe — I guess I'll be on the lookout for some other plugin for now, until the update is released to public.

    Thanks Max, really appreciate your help and responsiveness 

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hello Mirco,

    I understand, no problem.

    Please edit file in wp-content/plugins/mp3-music-player-by-sonaar/includes/class-sonaar-music-widget.php

    at line 753

    Change this

    $playlistTrackDesc = (isset($trackdescEscapedValue)) ? '<div class="srp_track_description">'. wp_kses( $trackdescEscapedValue, $trackdesc_allowed_html ) .'</div>' : '';

    for this new line:

    $playlistTrackDesc = (isset($trackdescEscapedValue)) ? '<div class="srp_track_description">'. wp_kses_post($trackdescEscapedValue) .'</div>' : '';

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider revising your rating on the WP repository regarding my assistance and support I offer. We devote ourselves full-time to this plugin and put in a lot of effort to make it the best it can be. It's our living. Negative ratings can have a significant impact on my business, which is why I value your feedback and would be grateful for your support.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mirco Fragomena replied

    Hi Max,

    I highly appreciate your help. I'll review the feedback I left, as soon as we have fixed it, as sadly it is not working as of yet.

    I apparently have a different line of code than yours

    And when I use your code, no tags get added to my description — only the title of the track moves and gets shorter. 

    Just to make sure we don't get lost in communication: on the Playlist page, for each track I can add a description, and that description can be formatted with bold, italic, or even given specific classes to them. None of these tags appear on the frontend of the website, losing all formatting done and of course having no classes to work with.

    In case this is not happening from your side (which indeed seems you managed to make it work great!) what issue could this be? 

    Thanks a lot Max, really appreciate — I could create more playlists, and add the description via Oxygen's text blocks, but I feel your plugin can really help us!

    $playlistTrackDesc = (isset($trackdescEscapedValue)) ? '</div><div class="srp_track_description">'. wp_kses( $trackdescEscapedValue, $trackdesc_allowed_html ) .'</div>' : '</div>';
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    can you send me a screenshot of the different line of code you have ? Are you using plugin version 4.3.1 ?

    Also, if you can share with me your page URL where I can see the issue that would help


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Mirco Fragomena replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Add this attributes in your shortcode player:

    strip_html_track_desc="false" track_desc_lenght="999"

    Tell me if it works


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mirco Fragomena replied

    YES! This made it work!
    Only issue now is they get displayed next to each other, and not as usually, underneath the track — see screenshot.

    Thanks Max, we're getting there

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 7.27.26 PM.png

  • Mirco Fragomena replied

    Ok I just removed the display: flex; and it stays on different lines.

    From now on I guess I can manage it myself — just worth mentioning it to you for further updates.

    Thanks Max, I will remove my comment on the other forum — if you can please delete this post or at least the link and screenshots of my website we'd appreciate.

  • Mirco Fragomena replied

    Review changed on WP

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Glad you got it sorted !

    Thanks for your review, I really appreciate it.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew