  Public Ticket #3252279
The podcasts are not properly put on the right place with the date


  • Esther started the conversation


    Don't now why but the podcasts on our homepage https://www.studioplantaardig.nl/ are not put in the right order of date. When you check the homepage you will see the problem. How can this be solved. In the back-end the podcast list is ordered right by the date given to the podcast.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards, Marlon

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    This is because of Masonry/Cobble grid. This is very technical but you will never be able to have a perfect match of the order using masonry format.

    Dont use masonry aka cobble grid if you want to control the order perfectly.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Esther replied


    I'm falling from my chair.. what a reply.

    First: this Masonry  / Cobby grid is used in your Podcast theme and that I use. This is a product that you sell and what I bought. So where is your responsibility in that?

    Second: The Masonry always worked till a week ago perfectly and now it don't. Maybe very technical but why not fixing the problem for a product that you sell? I also bought a live service plan of 200 dollar and this should cover the technical problem existing in your product. 

    Third: I've this is the simple reply you could given me.. It's a very technical and I ( ?) will never be able to have a perfect match... Than I want my money back. How can this refund be arranged??

    I like to hear from you soon.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Masonry grids, also known as "Pinterest-style" grids, are a type of grid layout used to display items in a visually appealing and dynamic manner. Unlike traditional grids, masonry grids do not have fixed rows or columns. Instead, items are placed in the available space, filling in gaps as needed.

    The algorithm is designed to optimize for the best use of available space and create a visually pleasing design.

    When items are added to a masonry grid, they are sorted according to their size and aspect ratio. The algorithm then tries to fit the items into the available space by placing larger items first and filling in gaps with smaller items. The end result is a layout that looks aesthetically balanced and dynamic, but not necessarily in chronological order.

    For example, a large image may be displayed alongside several smaller images, even if the smaller images were created or published more recently.

    More info on the official masonry library: https://masonry.desandro.com/

    So if you correctly understand what masonry is, you understand now why items cannot be ordered by date, and thus, why there is no "fix" for this.

    I would you use the “Even” grid if you want to have the post order being followed in the display order of your grid.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Esther replied

    Hi Max, 

    How do we switch to the even grid? i cannot find it in the backend. 

    Best regards, 


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Edit your Essential grid. see screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/7JDVxf


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Esther replied

    HI Max,

    When I change all the Podcast Grids in the Essential Grid from the Masonry settings to Even  ( See image ) the date is fixed and all the podcast are in the right order. However the podcast boxes on the homepage changes to only a image preview and when I move over it then the text is visible. ( See screen shot ). This is not what I want. How can I change that so the text is always under the preview image?

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 11.51.49.png
      Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 12.05.14.png

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Essential Grid is very very flexible and has many options. The even grid will only show the content on hover, which is not what you need, my bad.

    There is new settings in Essential Grid that I was not aware of that allow you to set a minium height for the masonry items which make all the masonry tiles the same height. When using this, it prevent the masonry to take up the empty spaces and fix your issue. see screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/UTR53N

    I set back your grid in Masonry, but set the min height for the items.

    Please check now


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Esther replied

    Nice! working.. Thanks Max