  Public Ticket #3347788
"all posts" source doesn't work


  • Michał started the conversation

    Hi.  I am writing to ask for help.  I'm using Elementor widget..  If I set “source” as “all posts” in Audio Player Settings, none of the posts are displayed. The playlist is empty. However, sounds  appear when I switch “source” to “Selected posts” and I check them manually.  This doesn't satisfy me though, I need the “all posts” option.  I need to add sounds as a regular post.  Do you have any idea how to deal with this problem? I will add that in the general settings of the plugin, "post types" are marked in the place of "posts"

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Michał replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately, we dont support categories for the blog post at this time. As much as I would love to help you, this feature is not possible with Sonaar at the moment.

    On my end, I tagged this ticket as a feature request so that our development team can consider this option, but this doesn't guarantee that Sonaar will indeed implement this feature.

    Finally, I would like to apologize for not providing you with this particular feature at the moment.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Michał replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    its meant to be used for the playlists created in WP-Admin > MP3 Player, or the WooCommerce Products post types.

    Yes you can filter the playlists in wp-admin > mp3 player the way it looks now..


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Make sure to assign your ACF group to the MP3 Player playlist as well: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/A3J1aD


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Michał replied

    Thank You so much!