  Public Ticket #3354451
Iron Demo importer clashing with theme?


  • Jacob started the conversation

    I receive this error message now when trying to create new pages or posts. It seems to have something to do with the Iron Demo importer. Deactivating Iron Demo importer does not seem to fix the issue. 

    Error Details


    An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 192 of the file /home/jachar49/jacobharada.com/wp-content/plugins/iron-demo-importer/includes/Unyson/framework/includes/option-types/wp-editor/includes/class-fw-wp-editor-settings.php. Error message: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported


    WordPress version 6.2

    Active theme: Sonaar Child (version 4.5) Current plugin: Iron Demo Importer (version 1.7) PHP version 8.1.17

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Please deactivate Iron demo importer and tell me if it works. If it does not work, please elaborate on your issue so I can reproduce the issue on my end. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew