  Public Ticket #3356321
Event Section


  • Gino Caballero started the conversation

    Hi, I am editing the Event section of the Template, I will like to add an artist card with picture, not jus the name.

    its there a way to I can add this and link it to the "Artist at Event" field in the WP Editor?

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Gino,

    The easy way is to insert the artist card in the single event post content. 

    The otherway is to create you own single event template. You can use ACF or JetEngine to add extra fields. 
    If you have php and css knowledge, you can create the event template through the child theme. 
    You can also create post template with Elementor Pro. No coding knowlegde is required with this solution. 
    In both case you are taking the path of customization who is beyong the scope of our support.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew