  Public Ticket #3377605
Extra small item above menu


  • GertJan started the conversation


    Please have a look at the screenshot.

    I want a small segment (same height als the menu) above the main menu where I can put my site name and extra tagline (MadonnaNed - De officiële Madonna fanclub voor Nederland en Vlaanderen).

    How do I fix that,

    Kind regards!


    Attached files:  extra item above menu.png

  • GertJan replied

    Oops think I found.. 

    I am using Classic menu in menu type.

    Think I have to put this to Elementor header? And create my own menu.. and there I can put an extra item above my main menu?

    Am I right?

    And is it also possible when scrolling that the menu is sticky at the top of the page?