  Public Ticket #3378014
Naming Bug


  • Lukas started the conversation

    Hey, i cant figure out when and why this happens, but very often i upload a mp3 file and place it into a woocommerce product. Sometimes i get mp3 files with Meta Data. 

    If i upload a mp3 file i see the fields "Title" and "Künstler (Artist)". Then i copy the value from "Künstler" into the "Title" field so that there are two values "Künstler" and "Title". I do this, so that i can display it proper in the front end. 

    Here is what happens sometimes. I copy the value from "Künstler" into the "Title" field. Save the product and then the copied value is not shown. I check the product again and it seems like the value would not be copied. 

    As i said, i don't know whet this happens and maybe it is something related to the media uploader of wordpress, but maybe you know what i mean and can help out to fix this. 

    Attached files:  Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-24 um 21.31.14.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Lukas, 

    Can the issue occur once the title has already been saved, or does it only happen when you try to save the title for the first time?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Lukas replied

    Actually i just see this behavior if i upload and change it at the same time. If i change it afterwards it will be right. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Likas,

    I dont understand why this happen. I pretty sure this issue is not caused by out product. As you can edit the title once the mp3 is already imported, we will not investigate this further.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Lukas replied

    Yes i thought the same. Just  wanted to ask. Thank you anyways for that quick reply. Very great. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew