  Public Ticket #3380952
Template for podcast episode


  • Access Lab started the conversation

    Hello! How do I add a template in my theme to customize the page of an individual podcast episode. What name should the file have?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    What individual podcast episode page URL you want to customize by example ?

    and which template you want to use ?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Access Lab replied

    How to customize this page in my theme?

    I've already changed a template single-album.php in plugin directory. But this changes will canseled after plugin updates.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Unfortunately, we haven't developed the custom post type template in a way that makes customization through a child theme or plugin easy. But we have developed a tool who probably do what you want. 

    Please go to wp-admin>mp3 player>settings>widget player>single post setting
    And enable the "Use Advanced Player Shortcode for the Single Post" option. 
    In this field you can do some customization. 

    Please let me know if this help.

    Otherwise I recommend you to use a third  part plugin as elementor pro to create a new template.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Access Lab replied

    I need to change the code of this page - for example add h1-hedding, because h3 is no good for page heading. I also don't use Elementor and other constructors. I will try to change a code in plugin directory. Thank you.

    And I have another question: can i remove your custom post types from WP and use only my own custom types? I know how to use my post types, but I don`t know how to remove your types. Thank you.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    1) You can change the heading through the shortcode setting. 

    Please try this. 
    Go to wp-admin>mp3 player>settings>widget player>single post setting
    And enable the "Use Advanced Player Shortcode for the Single Post" option. 

    And and this shortcode in the field:

    [sonaar_audioplayer show_playlist="true" show_track_market="true" sticky_player="true" titletag_playlist="h1"]

    Maybe you want to change some parameters here. For more details about shortcode parameter, please read this article https://sonaar.io/docs/add-audio-player-with-shortcode/ 

    But the parameter you need here is ' titletag_playlist="h1" ' 

    2) The option to remove the mp3 player post type is not available, but it is not required to use them. You can delete every post.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew