  Public Ticket #3393890
Essential Grid - Podcast shows


  • mike started the conversation


    I've got three different podcast shows on my site.

    I would like to display  each of the podcast shows on Essential Grid

    I don't want to show every episode, I only want to display the three different shows, so when the user clicks on the item in the grid, they are taken to the podcast show archive page.

    I'm not seeing an option to display only the podcast shows.

    Can you tell me how to do that with the essential grid? what are the correct "source" settings"?


    Attached files:  0 essentail grid.png

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Essential Grid is designed to display post or custom post.

    The Podcast Shows are not posts in WordPress but a taxonomy, and each of your shows is a "term" of that taxonomy. You cannot use Essential Grid to display your show in this case.

    Anyway, using Essential Grid to display 3 or 4 elements is perhaps not the best optimal solution..

    I recommend using the Call to Action Elementor Widget in a flex container for this. You will have much more control. Otherwise, perhaps you can use JetEngine plugin which I think support taxonomies in their Loop builder.

    By using the 2 solutions mentioned above, it will also be more lightweight than using Ess Grid which is kind of heavy compared to those.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • mike replied

    Ok. I'll give that a shot.
