  Public Ticket #3407041
Users Created playlist


  • Emanuele Marea started the conversation

    As in the closed ticket i found this function very useful and very missing it..

    place a heart beside the tracks and this way people could create their personal playlist, please do it , i will pay 149 soon but i really need this feature , i also see that you can make us sell by woo commerce and there are two plug ins here https://barn2.com/blog/woocommerce-add-to-favorites-plugin/?utm_source=barn2&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=wordpress-favorites-button-plugins&utm_content=wordpress-favorites-button-plugins  can we use that to add the favorite button to sonaar ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Thank you for your good idea about a new "Favorite" feature for our music player. We value your advice.

    We want to understand what you want better. There are different ways to add a "Favorite" feature. One way is simple: you can like a song and all liked songs are in one list. When you leave the website, the list is gone. Another way is more detailed: we create a user profile for you. You can manage your liked songs, maybe even make different lists.

    Can you show us some websites or apps that have a feature you like? This will help us understand what you want.

    Also, what do you want to do with your favorite songs? Maybe you want to share the list with friends or print it? Knowing this will help us make the best feature for you.

    Your advice is very important. It helps us make our music player better. After we hear from you and other users, we will talk to our development team about your ideas.

    We are excited to hear more from you.

    Best Wishes


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    ok , first of all thank for your reply

    i would like to have the second option 

    Another way is more detailed: we create a user profile for you. You can manage your liked songs, maybe even make different lists.

    Yes sharing the playlist would be sweet ...but when they are private? Maybe could be great if a disclaimer adverts free users that in order to listen those tracks , the preview..they need to register and this could lead to a grace period for listening free..then after lets say 7 days , a disclaimer telling that user must go pro to listen again..or maybe a shared playlist with titles greyed with a text below " hi ,this is a shared playlist for...sfsskffs.com , in order to access and listen sign up an subscribe one of our plans" this could be done also using a plug-in called ArMember..

    I would like that registered users could create their favorite list and this remains after they leave and when they are back its there, i see we can already search by mood and genre how sweet would be to have user created playlist which works in conjunction with that ? A favorite user page  ,then maybe after this also where to find the wish list , the most listen'd tracks and so on.., could be great to track mood status by the time and to use that to suggest new tracks to improve mood, ex..user choose " sad songs" ,system softly (AI ?) suggest some Energy boost songs..and so on..

    but to stay in the topic , a user created list which the registered user could find when its back would be great

    then i could gate and sell subscriptions with ArMember


    just little confused..can i buy the audio plug in and have it in the bottom on every template i own and use or have to buy a template ? I need that the bottom player plays what it have in a playlist or clicking on an album etc

    can you help me?

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    something like this , if you go on app.tunewell.online you could see the hearts, playlist page not ready yet but with " is favorite " table this creates a personal user list

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-05 alle 11.36.50.png
      Schermata 2023-07-05 alle 11.36.33.png

  • Emanuele Marea replied


    let me add..i saw other template but only your have the clever idea to minimize the player in the right corner,

    this ITS HUGELY useful for convert a Wordpress site to a PWA , next year EU laws will open App Stores markets,

    Apple,Facebook , Google have already agreed ..but in the mobile if you have a bottom player always on this won't let you have a bottom tab bar , see the one with the 4 icons on our app ? ..that one would be displayed under on above..,

    now two things or..one working on css but..is not that safe and could break anytime and have users very upset...

    or have a solution like your that minimize on the right and coexist peacefully,

    then...IF ...and i know i'm going off topic ...you could let have in the bottom player some css features such as border radius , opacity , shadows and 3-5 little icons...this could be so useful..because we could have a bottom player/bottom bar menu ( on mobile ) EVOLVED...and bam we would have our PWA...

    last..as i said i saw other players , Kentha themes and Luna Players ... could we have some more effects in the visualizations ? The one on Kentha,the "3 shaped " waves dancing are really great..

    that being said i'm with you , today i will buy it ...can i just ask if i can upgrade ,ex going from 49 to 149 ...?

    Thanks for your time

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    can you tell me more?Need help with buying and i don't understand if your plug in could be added to all template or do i have to buy the template instead, then if you can comment on what i told i'll appreciate it , i know you are vey busy , so thanks for your time

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Emanuele,

    When you mention "template," are you referring to a WordPress theme? The MP3 player is compatible with all themes.

    Regarding the ideas you shared with us, we apologize for not providing feedback yet. Rest assured, we value your input. We simply haven't had the opportunity to discuss it yet.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    yes i meant Wordpress

    it would be so good to have the user favorite list , with a user page with those bookmarks,

    as far i can see many are asking and its strange a so complete audio player like yours doesn't have,

    i'm perfectly trusting you ...i know you will do it ! There is so much value on your audio player

    automatic playlist generation is SWEET !!!!! ps, if i buy the 49 can i upgrade to 99 .149 later on?

    ps,put Waves visualization such as in Kentha and Luna and you will win hands down , you already are... !

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes you can upgrade at anytime.

    Thanks for your suggestions.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    Great ! Thanks

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Emanuele Marea replied

    bought it the pro starter , can't wait to see playlist coming

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Great! Please let us know if you need assistance.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Just to let you know that we have officially released the Add to Favorite feature.

    V.4.8 - 2023-09-06
    - Now compatible with WordPress 6.3.x
    - Now compatible with PHP 8.2.x
    - New! [Pro Feature]: Add to Favorites. Visitor and logged-in users can now add tracks to their favorites. You can create a page with a player that will contains a list of the user's favorites. Check the settings in WP-Admin > MP3 Player > Settings > Add to Favorites
    - New! [Pro Feature]: Dynamic Visibility: Set visibility rules for the Downloads, Favorites, and Share buttons based on user roles, like administrators or subscribers, or non-logged users. A use case would be to to show the download button exclusively to logged-in users, while directing non-logged users to a sign-up page.
    - New! [Pro Feature]: Choose between 1000 different icons for the call-to-actions. This must be enabled in WP-Admin > MP3 Player > Settings > Widget Player > Optional Call-to-Action Buttons
    - New! Order your tracks simply by using drag and drop in the admin page! We have also added a Collapse/Expand tracks in your tracklist in the admin area.
    - New! Added a visual icon picker for call-to-action icons.
    - New! RSS Feed: Added an option to disable the plugin's RSS Feed. This is usefull if you want to use another RSS feed from another plugin such as Seriously Simple Podcasting (SPP).
    - New! Add custom link for the lightbox variation popup. A custom link may be added beside the Add to Cart button in the lightbox panel. This can be useful for directing users to a license comparison page or to the individual product page for more details.
    - New! Support ACF fields from WooCommerce Produce in the Music & Contract License
    - Tweak: Now it runs faster! We have optimized many queries.
    - Tweak: Support for Sharing Tracks using the navigator.share() method of the Web Share API.
    - Tweak: Replace TinyMCE by a simple HTML text area for track description. TinyMCE was very heavy. If you have many tracks (eg: 50+), you should see a faster loading time when you edit your playlist.
    - Tweak: Improved the UI in the plugin settings.
    - Fix: Gutenberg block was showing blank in some occasion. A page reload was needed.
    - Fix: Filter by post tag is now working
    - Fix: Share a track: button and other icon from srp_track_cta was invisble on boxed player from single post when the tracklist only have one track.
    - Fix: WooCommerce: Make the Preview License button translatable.
    - Fix: WooCommerce: Issue with related WC Product and the license popup not showing up
    - Code optimization


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew