  Public Ticket #3417814
User Filter with ACF only?


  • Jörg started the conversation

    Hello crew,

    can I use the new filter functionality without Woocommerce?

    I tried to follow all the steps in the demo video, but could not get it to work. In the video it's done via ACF and Woocommerce.

    Issue #1: I tried to use it without setting up mp3s as products in woocommerce. So I installed ACF, created new field group for attachments with the rule: attachment is equal to all audio formats.

    Created a playlist and added local mp3s. New fields where shown for each mp3 and I could assign some values to each mp3.

    Created a new page and added the Audio Player Pro Widget using Elementor and also a Filter widget, with the source being the new ACF fields.

    Setting the filters, the Playlist is not filtered. The same mp3 files of the playlist are shown, no matter what filter I choose.

    Is the issue here, that I have already pre-populated the playlist and the filter is then not working? If yes, how is it done otherwise?

    Issue #2: I following the demo video, the mp3 files where added to the product in Woocommerce. It was said, that those where custom fields. Can't figure out how to add those custom fields to a Woocommerce product, so that I can actually attach an mp3, which is then shown in the player.

    Can you point me in the right direction here for both issues?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!



  •   Max replied privately
  •   Jörg replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    What is your website address?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Jörg replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    1) your ACF filters must be set on the playlist post type, not on an file attachment: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/kwuwq9

    2) Create 1 track per playlist. If you have 20 tracks, create 20 playlists with 1 track each.

    3) Set your ACF value on each playlists.

    the filters should works after this.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jörg replied

    Thanks for looking into this...

    I did some tests, but I could not find a setup, where by setting the filters, individual tracks are filtered from the playlist.

    To my understanding: 

    I need the new ACF fields on the level of each Audio file. So this would be the audio attachment, as I am not using woocommerce in the current setup. Therefore, I need to set the fields on the type "file attachment". Otherwise, I will not be able to mark one recording as ENGLISH and the other one as GERMAN, for example.

    I see, that in addition to this, I can set them on the playlist post type, which I did. When I do this, I can see and set those new fields also on top of the playlist. So, I would assume, that the entries I make for this fields are now valid for the complete playlist. Which cannot really work, as I need the filter to filter individual files within the playlist.

    I activated the ACF filters for playlist post type AND for the audio attachment. But it was not filtering single tracks from the playlist.

    I played around with various set-ups and filters, but still can't get it to work.

    Where am I still missing it? 



  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Please check this page: https://solm.website/audio-3/

    Dont use the custom fields on audio attachment. we don't have any integration for custom field on audio attachments. Instead, use the custom fields in your playlist directly.

    What I did is to add 1 playlist per tracks: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/Yf9eeZ

    On each playlist, you will set which language the track is: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/01siVr

    And then the Elementor widget players loads all your tracks and you can now use the dropdowns.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jörg replied

    Thank you very much, Max.

    Got it now. It was just so much different than I expected it to work.

    Question: As I am looking at ca. 1000 mp3s, would that be an issue, regarding performance, when I create 1000 Playlists and use filters?

    The other way, which I saw in the video, was using Woocommerce products. Looks to me like the better solution, as it seems that I can than use the custom fields on each product (being one mp3) instead. What I could not figure out, though, was how to add a mp3 track to the product. In the video it was said, that these were custom fields.

    How do I add those custom fields?

    You mentioned "... we don't have any integration for custom field on audio attachments...." ==> Is this on the roadmap, by any chance?

    Thank you,


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    To enable our custom fields for products, go to wp-admin > MP3 Player > Settings and click the product checkbox for the post types. 

    We don't have plan to add integration of custom fields on the audio attachment, that won't resolve or improve any features really. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jörg replied

    Thank you for your support!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew