  Public Ticket #3419796
Disabling plugin on mobile


  • Matthew started the conversation

    Hi, how do I disable the plugin on mobile?

    I tried adding this to the sonaar-music.php file in the main directory but I don't know if I did it correctly:

    function my_plugin_scripts() {
        if (!wp_is_mobile()) {
            // Only enqueue scripts and styles for desktop devices
            wp_enqueue_style('my-plugin-css', plugins_url('public/css/sonaar-music-public.css', __FILE__));
            wp_enqueue_script('my-plugin-js', plugins_url('public/js/sonaar-music-public.js', __FILE__));
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_plugin_scripts');

    // If this file is called directly, abort.
    if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I dont think it's possible to deactivate a plugin on mobile only. Im not familiar with this method I'm afraid. I don't think wp have a function to deactivate a plugin on mobile only. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Matthew replied

    Hmmm... I asked ChatGPT-4 and this is what it told me:

    Creating a WordPress plugin that only works on the desktop version and not on mobile requires detecting the user's device and then enabling or disabling the plugin accordingly. This can be achieved by using WP's wp_is_mobile() function which returns true if the user is viewing the site on a mobile device.

    However, disabling the plugin entirely may not be the best practice as plugins are typically loaded at the time WordPress is initialized, which occurs before determining the user's device. This could result in unnecessary server load and potential issues with WordPress's internal handling of active plugins.

    A better approach is to conditionally enqueue or execute your plugin's scripts and styles based on the device type. Here's a basic example:

    phpCopy code
    function my_plugin_scripts() {    if (!wp_is_mobile()) {        // Only enqueue scripts and styles for desktop devices        wp_enqueue_style('my-plugin-css', plugins_url('my-plugin.css', __FILE__));        wp_enqueue_script('my-plugin-js', plugins_url('my-plugin.js', __FILE__));    }
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_plugin_scripts');

    In this code:

    • my_plugin_scripts is a custom function where you enqueue your plugin's scripts and styles.
    • wp_is_mobile() is a WordPress function that checks if the user is viewing the site on a mobile device.
    • If wp_is_mobile() returns false (meaning the user is not on a mobile device), your scripts and styles are enqueued.
    • The my_plugin_scripts function is hooked to WordPress's wp_enqueue_scripts action, which is the proper place to enqueue frontend scripts and styles.

    With this code in place, your plugin's scripts and styles will only be loaded for desktop users.

    Please note this approach is dependent on the User-Agent string, and is not a foolproof way to detect mobile devices, especially considering the wide variety of devices and user-agent strings in use today. For a more robust solution, you may want to consider using a server-side library like Mobile Detect or a client-side solution using JavaScript.


    Then, I asked where to put the code...


    The code should be placed in your plugin's main PHP file. This is typically the file that has the same name as your plugin's directory and includes a header comment with details about your plugin.

    Here's an example of what this file might look like:

    phpCopy code
    Plugin Name: My Plugin
    Plugin URI: http://example.com/my-plugin
    Description: This is a brief description of my plugin
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Me
    Author URI: http://example.com
    // Your custom function would go here
    function my_plugin_scripts() {    if (!wp_is_mobile()) {        // Only enqueue scripts and styles for desktop devices        wp_enqueue_style('my-plugin-css', plugins_url('my-plugin.css', __FILE__));        wp_enqueue_script('my-plugin-js', plugins_url('my-plugin.js', __FILE__));    }
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_plugin_scripts');
    // More plugin code goes here...

    When WordPress loads your plugin, it'll run this file. The add_action function hooks your function to the wp_enqueue_scripts action, ensuring it's called at the correct time in WordPress's execution process.

    Just make sure to replace 'my-plugin-css', 'my-plugin.js', and 'my-plugin.css' with the names and paths of your actual scripts and styles. Similarly, replace 'my_plugin_scripts' with the name of your function if you choose to change it.

    Please note that it is a good practice to make sure you are working on a child theme so your changes are not lost when the theme is updated. If your theme does not have a child theme, it would be a good idea to create one.

    Also, always ensure you have a backup of your site before making any changes, and it may be best to try any changes in a testing or staging environment first.


    Does this help?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately I have not tested this solution at all, feel free to modify the theme files as you wish, but this type of customization is beyond the scope of our free support I'm afraid.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew