  Public Ticket #3425243


  •  1
    gianlucaper started the conversation


    Is there a way to make the border of these pictures round like the others on the website? I don't know where to find the function to make the corners of the picture round.


  •  1
    gianlucaper replied


    I understood where and how to change the skin of the grid, but, I don't know where to change the color of the title and where to remove a line of text, with the "likes".

    I am attaching a pic with an explanation of how I would like the skin to be, is there a way to have it like that?

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 15.02.03.png

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    I am also having another problem, this video in the home page is not visible anymore, I didn't touch anything so I don't know why is not visible...

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 15.13.47.png

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    Thanks for the precious support!!!!!!

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    I am also trying to fix a problem with a carousel...in home page, the sections NFTs and Challenges, have carousel, but I don't find a way for having the pics all of the same size, I would like to don't see the pics all in different sizes, but I don't see how to do it.

    Thanks again!

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 15.16.48.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    To change the event grid layout you have to edit its grid skin.
    Please go to wp-admin>essential grid
    And click here.

    You can select every elements (except the picture) you want to edit or remove through this dropdown.

    You probably can set the round border as you want through the skin editor but as I didnt find a way myself, here a custom css to do it. Please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js

    And add this code: 

    .esg-entry-skin-youtubestream .esg-entry-media-wrapper-not-even {
    border-radius: 40px ;


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    Hello Alexandre,

    I just tried the css code, but it doesn't work...I add it where you said, did I do it right? I cleared the cache but not working...

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-31 alle 10.20.49.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    About the video, do you still have the issue on your side?, because I can see the video on my device. 

    About the carousel: Carousel dont crop image. All images are set with the same width but they still keep their original dimenssion ratio. 
    You can resize all images, or find another carousel plugin who do what you want. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    Hello thanks for carousel and video, all solved...


    I still can't have the grids round and I don't know why, the event grid, that was round before but showing texts that I didn't want, now I was able to remove the skin as you suggested, but now the pics are not round anymore! :)

    Is there a way that we can fix it?


  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    I tried many settings on the grids, it's weird, whatever I do doesn't produce any effect...

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    I am also having this weird white thin line in home page...I don't see it in editor mode, so I don't know from where it comes...thanks!

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-07-31 alle 10.42.41.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I have add this code for you. Be aware this is pplaied on all essential grid:



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    About the thin white line,

    Go to wp-admin>header and footer
    Edit the footer post with elementor.
    And remove the first section who is empty



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    you are great!

    Thanks so much!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    you are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    Thanks so much, so last thing is that white thin line in home page, then I should be done! :)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I have already answer to this but it seems you have missed it.

    Go to wp-admin>header and footer Edit the footer post with elementor. And remove the first section who is empty



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    gianlucaper replied

    Sorry I missed it and thanks I've fixed it!

    All set then, we can close the ticket, thanks so so much for you precious help!

    I wish you a great day

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    you are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew