  Public Ticket #3425764
No sound if dynamic waveform selected


  • Daniel Widler started the conversation

    Hi, with my Mp3 player pro I select waveform type „synthetic waveform (faster)“ in the settings and all works well: sound ok, in sticky footer: shockwave in action, progress is seen in the synthetic waveform.

    When I only change to „dynamic waveform (slower)“ in the setting, there is no sound, no shockwave in the sticky footer. However the time elapses an there is progress in the dynamic waveform to the end, but it never stops: meaning the control buttons do not change and remain in the play mode.

    I need this dynamic waveform, since it reflects the dynamic structure of the piece well.

    When I change back to „synthetic waveform (faster)“ all works fine with sound!

    I checked also on different browsers, computers.

    Thanks for any help, best regards Daniel

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Daniel, 

    Have you find a way to fix the issue. 
    Everything look good right now:


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Daniel Widler replied

    Hi Alexandre, thanks a lot for your quick answer with the video! Great.
    I have no explanation for this: suddenly it works now on another iMac and on my iPhone: there is sound. Ok. I changed some colour parameters, but do not think, this has an influence.

    On my MacBookPro however, there is sound at the beginning for ca. 0.2 seconds and then there is no sound. What could be the reason, I have no idea.

    But there is still the other problem I montionned in the post:

    „However the time elapses an there is progress in the dynamic waveform to the end, but it never stops: meaning the control buttons do not change and remain in the play mode.“

    In your video I do not see that you listen to the end of the piece: the sound stops but the control button does not change !?

    Thanks for your reply! Daniel

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Daniel, 

    Once again, I don't have the same behavior on my side. When the song ends, the pause icon changes to a play icon.


    About the other issue on your MacBookPro, please clear cache from the browser and also try with another mp3 file to see if you have the same issue.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Daniel Widler replied

    Hello Alexandre,

    Thank you for your support. On other computers I don’t have this problem anymore so I think we can skip this problem.

    However, at the moment I’m struggling to edit the MP3 playlist player pro with elementor, since in the videos it says, that this would be easy and can be done in any page.

    I can create playlist but I’m sorry, I don’t know how to add “call for actions”within the elemental editor.

    The reason why I want to create playlists with elementor is that I want to have two playlists in different pages.

    I can’t create a playlist but no idea about the call for action properties.

    Thanks for any help on this. I have looked several videos but the integration of the Pro version I do not see well. I do not see the call for action parameters as I have seen in Dashboard: MP 3 Player/ playlists

    Of course I have installed everything: The normal version plus the add-on for the pro, which I see in the playlist folder.

    Thanks and best regards


    P.S. price issue

    after the purchase of the pro version I was very surprised to see that this price is meant to be per year!!?

    Before the purchase I didn’t see anywhere on the website of sonar that I should pay every year the same amount.

    So what’s that all about?

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Daniel,

    When we create the playlist through the elementor player element (when "this widget" is selected as source), we are not allow to add call to action. 

    But dont get why you cant create playlist trough the playlist post. If you are using two playlists in different pages, I dont ge why you can not create a playlist post for each pages. 

    This product is a one-time fee and it also includes 1 year of updates and support. After 1 year, you will be able to renew for 1 additional year of update and support. If you don't want to renew, you can cancel your subscription at any time and your product will still work!

    If you are interested in lifetime updates and support, we do have a Lifetime license available.

    View our pricing page: https://sonaar.io/mp3-audio-player-pro/pricing/


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Daniel Widler replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for your important information, that CTA are not supported with Elementar (I did not see this information in the Sonaars documentation)

    I have built a test web page without Elementar (just created a new page and inserted the previously defined playlist post).

    This is OK. But Sonaar claims that all the features of the standard player are included in the pro version. I want to integrate the spectra animation the standard player offers (see me my "home" page of my Website) also for the Pro version. Unfortunately I do not see this parameters for spectra animation when created in a Gutenberg page (see Testseite MP3 Player): https://danielwidler.com/wordpress/testseite-mp3-player/

    Thanks and best regards


    Attached files:  ExampleTestpage-MP3.pdf

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Daniel

    CTA are supported by Elemenor. This is not what I said. 
    I said the CTA is not supported when we the playlist source is the widget itself. 

    Unfortunately, we cant activate the spectra animation through the gutenbetg block. 
    The latest functionalities that we have developed are not available through the Gutenberg editor. If you are using Elementor, I highly recommend using it to configure the player. It's truly the best way to utilize our plugin.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Daniel Widler replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    OK, I got it. Everything works now well to my expectations.

    It works on desktop and iPhone, but no sound on iPad. But this is probably not an issue due to Sonaar.

    If I had had a step-by-step description of how to use sonar widget with a distinction between CTAs eight and no CTA‘s, this would have probably shorten my process. But of course, at the end everything seems logical and easy :-)

    I thank you for your patience with me. You can close the ticket now.

    Best regards,, Daniel

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your constructive feedback.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew