  Public Ticket #3435500
Selected Post(s) using Gutenberg


  • Geoff started the conversation

    Hi! I want to add an MP3 player to a page without using Elementor. When I add the Sonaar MP3 block and choose the Playlist Source as "Selected Post(s)" I cannot select individual posts only predefined playlists. Is it not possible to edit the player content here to show a single post as you can with the elementor widget?

  • Geoff replied

    I should add that what I'm trying to add are mp3's set up as woocommerce products as explained in the beat store tutorial. 

  • Geoff replied

    I figured out how to do it with the short code generator, so I'm good for now. The issue was adding the MP3 block in Guttenberg and the individual posts/products are not available.