  Public Ticket #3448820
Player Template Can't be imported


  • Jens started the conversation


    Just installed and activated the MP3 Player Pro plugin, imported the elementor template package and now I'd like to import some Player Templates, like the Caroussel Coverflow... But when I click import, it says: OOPS!! Template can't be imported! 

    How to fix this?

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 17.33.07.png

  •   Max replied privately
  •   Jens replied privately
  •  1,114
    Max replied


    Please enable flexbox container first in wp-admin > Elementor > Settings > experiments. 


    Then try to import the template again. 

    Tell me if it works. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jens replied

    Thank you Max! :-)

    I have installed some of the player templates. However, I can hardly find any documentation about how to exactly apply these templates, like the Carousel / Coverflow player. I've purchased the Pro version in order to replace Essential Grid and Revolution Slider, which aren't working properly and causing vulnerability issues. And I'd like to create deep integrations with WooCommerce products, filters, selections and selectable up-sell options.

    So I was expecting some easy-to-go manual instructions to make it work, but it's a bit minimal, for what I've found so far. 

    So I'd like you to help me setting up some things. First off: how to set up the Carousel / Coverflow player? :-)

    Thank you in advance. Best, J.

  •  672
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Jens, 

    Unfortunatly the Carousel feature is a new feature an we dont have any documentation to provide. 
    I will try me best to guide your.
    You have to enable the Coverflow option here:


    Click on the Style tab.
    Open the Carousel: parameter panel
    And select coveflow here:

    You probably want to enable the "infinit loop" option here:


    But with the "infinit loop option" enable, the carousel need to have at least a number of slide twice the number set here as the Slides per view value.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew